Table of Content


This handbook covers MetaFS in-depth, and is recommended for users as well developers.

Note: this handbook covers always the current and most up-to-date version of MetaFS, see Updates near the end of the document.

1. Notions

2. Fundamentals

A MetaFS volume is a collection of items, where each item has free defineable metadata in form of key/value pairs, whereas the value can be a using the JSON notion. The metadata of an item is an object.

A few metadata keys are predefined for an item, and handled by the core of the file system:

Optionally following keys are used to help to immitate the UNIX file system, kind of first use case of MetaFS: These are the fundamental keys on the metadata of the item, all other keys you are free to use. For example, a service which has been added as plugin/handler handles the location.*, another handles image.* to store image specific data, or thumb.* contains thumbnail specific information, usable for a web frontend of MetaFS.

  1. this might cause problems when accessing MetaFS using the UNIX filesystem layer, but you can still access such an item using dedicated MetaFS tools like mls, mmeta, or mfind; the UNIX filesystem restriction should not limit MetaFS capability, as the UNIX filesystem is just one way among other ways to access the dataset
  2. Permissions aren't enforced yet but stored

3. Installed Programs

3.1. metafs

The main program is the metafs executable, it handles
  • creating volumes,
  • mounting and unmounting volumes and
  • provides some basic information about volumes
Note: volume name can have [a-z0-9_-], all other characters are mapped to lowercase or are truncated:
alpha -> alpha
Alpha -> alpha
Beta01 -> beta01
%.Beta^$#@01 -> beta01

3.1.1. Usage

MetaFS usage: metafs [options] [<volume>] [<mountpoint>]
   volume            volume name, e.g. "alpha"
   mountpoint        empty directory, e.g. Alpha/
      --version                    print version only
      -v, -vv or --verbose         increase verbosity
      -h or --help                 help message (this one)
      -u or --umount               unmount a volume
      -f or --force                force umount
      -a or --all                  show all volumes (also unmounted)
      -fg or --foreground          remain in foreground (no daemonizing)
      -c <conf>                    consider additional configuration
      --conf=<conf>                     "                   "
      -[variable] <value>          override configuration, e.g. -root /opt/metafs/
      --[variable]=<value>              "                   "

3.1.2. Examples

Create new volume or use existing volume and mount it to the mountpoint:

% mkdir Alpha/

% metafs alpha Alpha/
Unmount volume "alpha" via volume name or mountpoint:
% metafs -u alpha
% metafs -u Alpha/     
Show state of volume:
% metafs alpha
<alpha> [/var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha] on /home/kiwi/Alpha
Listing mounted volumes:
% metafs
<alpha> [/var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha] on /home/kiwi/Alpha
<beta> [/var/lib/metafs/volumes/beta] on /home/kiwi/Beta
List mounted volumes with details:
% metafs -l
     ctime: 2014/10/24 08:32:19.229 (17days 3hrs 39mins 36secs ago)
       cwd: /home/kiwi
     mount: /home/kiwi/Alpha
      path: /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha
       pid: 6849
     stime: 2014/11/09 14:41:07.684 (21hrs 30mins 47secs ago)
       uid: 14d0cbbc44a1ff3d3b69e7207f81ecf8-544a0e93-e3ab41
      user: kiwi
   version: MetaFS 0.3.19 (Perl v5.18.2, Fuse 0.16.1 / 2.9, MongoDB v0.705.0.0 / 2.4.9, Elasticsearch 1.14)
List mounted & unmounted volumes with details:
% metafs -l -a         

3.2. metabusy

metabusy is a program which provides functionality of mls, mfind, mfsck, mfsinfo etc.
% metabusy ls
% mls
is the same; following program shortcuts are available:
  • mls: listing items in a folder, like ls
  • mfind: find anything in your filesystem
  • mmeta: manipulate the metadata direct
  • mtag: tag a file
  • mrm, and murm: delete, undelete & purge
  • mcp, copy item / file with metadata
  • mdup, find duplicates
  • mfsck: perform filesystem check
  • mfsinfo: show filesystem info
  • mtrigger: list, issue or purge triggers
  • marc: archive items / files
Hint: metabusy as well all shortcuts only work as long you are within a mounted volume, even if it's empty.

3.2.1. mls

% mls
% mls -l
% mls -l *.txt

% mls -l AA.txt
       uid: fc55b6984f55bbf3586f5cd1c1155368db5647345303d3aed9390eaf052fee74
      size: 15 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     otime: 2013/12/18 11:58:50.691 (1hr 1min 57secs ago)
     ctime: 2013/12/18 11:58:50.691 (1hr 1min 57secs ago)
     mtime: 2013/12/18 11:58:50.751 (1hr 1min 57secs ago)
     utime: 2013/12/18 11:58:50.751 (1hr 1min 57secs ago)
     atime: 2013/12/18 11:58:50.751 (1hr 1min 57secs ago)
      hash: 1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6
      excerpt: this is a text
   version: 1

% mls -L AA.txt
       uid: fc55b6984f55bbf3586f5cd1c1155368db5647345303d3aed9390eaf052fee74
      size: 15 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     otime: 1387364330.6916
     ctime: 1387364330.6916
     mtime: 1387364330.75151
     utime: 1387364330.75151
     atime: 1387364330.75151
      hash: 1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6
      excerpt: this is a text
   version: 1

% mls -j AA.txt
   "atime": 1387364330.75151, 
   "ctime": 1387364330.6916, 
   "hash": "1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6", 
   "mime": "text/plain", 
   "mtime": 1387364330.75151, 
   "name": "AA.txt", 
   "parent": 0, 
   "otime": 1387364330.6916, 
   "size": 15, 
   "text": {
      "excerpt": "this is a text"
   "uid": "fc55b6984f55bbf3586f5cd1c1155368db5647345303d3aed9390eaf052fee74", 
   "utime": 1387364330.75151, 
   "version": 1


  • -l long listing, display all metadata of the item
  • -t list order according utime (not name alphabetically)
  • -sort=key sort according specific key, e.g. -sort=size or -sort=text.uniqueWords[1]
  • -r reverse list order
  • -u show uid not (file)name
  • -L long listing, but times and numbers aren't "pretty" formated but displayed raw (times in UNIX epoch, seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC, negative numbers represent earlier dates)
  • -j long listing as JSON
  • -g does reverse lookup of location (lat/long ->,[2]
  • -o=format list entries with defined format, e.g. '-o=${name} (${uid}) ${mtime}'
  • -a show also internal metadata (only for debugging purposes)
  • -e consider arguments are regular expression

To immitate the ls the options can be used combined, e.g. mls -ltr list items in reverse utime order, newest at the bottom.

  1. it is important that handlers define the type of the metadata in conf/handler.conf "types": { } properly, so the sorting is correctly done as well, e.g. alphabetically for "string" or numerically as of "number" or "date" done
  2. it will not write back the lookup but only use it for display

3.2.2. mfind

mfind searches the volume; by default the name, tags, full text search (fts) and location (see conf/metabusy.conf the find section), or by a dedicated key:
% mfind something

% mfind -l something

% mfind -l -t something
just list the uid instead of the name:
% mfind -u something
define your own output format:
% mfind -l -t -r '-o=${name}' something

% mfind -ltr '-o=${name}' something
or find items based on a specific metadata key:
% mfind hash:6c69466e5589c0d38a333....

% mfind uid:f6af7cb8431c505d9373bf42f3c4e...

% mfind type:folder

% mfind mime:image/jpeg

% mfind 'mime:image/*'

% mfind image.width:512
and also search GPS coordinates (e.g. of photos with EXIF/GPS information):
% mfind location:lat=40,long=7

% mfind location:Zurich

% mfind location:city=Zurich

% mfind location:dist=20km,city=Zurich
or list all items with location information:
% mfind location:

% mfind -g '-o=${},${}: ${name}' location:
or catching ranges:
% mfind image.width:300..500

% mfind image.width:~300

or alternatively but slower:

% mfind 'image.width>300' 'image.width<500'
as it performs two independent queries and combines them logically AND afterwards.

And more advanced querying using MongoDB's query data structure:

% mfind -qJ '\{"image.width":\{"$gt":300, "$lt":500\}\}'
to find images with width > 300 and width < 500 pixels.

Hint: The quotes '' are required when using < or > in mfind as otherwise the shell interprets it as stdin/stdout redirection. Regular Expression

Regular expressions can be enabled with -e or enclose the term with two /:
% mfind -e -i -sort=size -r name:qemu`

% mfind -ei -sort=text.uniqueWords -r name:qemu`

% mfind -sort=size -r name:/qemu/i
find items which match in name qemu regular expression with case insensitivity enabled, sorted by size and in reverse order (largest first). Equality, Inequality or Not Equal

Equality, inequalities and not equal:

  • : or = for equality, e.g. mime:image/jpeg or mime=image/jpeg
  • != is not equal, e.g. mime!=image/jpeg
  • >, >=, <, <= are the inequalities 'greater than', 'greater than or equal', 'less than' or 'less than or equal', e.g. mtime<2015/01/01
  • == is equality, and disregards any interpration such as Smart Value (described below) and regular expression, e.g. name==/text/ searches for an item with name /text/.
% mfind 'mtime>2015/01/01'

% mfind 'image.width>=512' Smart Expressions / Ranges

To query for a range (numeric, date, etc), without < or > to use two intuitive features are available:
  • ~ means about, e.g. mfind size=~10000[1]
  • num1 .. num2 is range, e.g. mfind size=1000..2000, which equals to 1000 >= size <= 2000
% mfind size=15000..250000

% mfind 'image.width=512..640'

% mfind otime=~2014

% mfind otime=2013..2014 
Note: For keys which are type "date" like *time keys (mtime, otime, ctime etc), some meaningful ranges are applied:
  • otime=~2014 looks for 2014/07/02 +/- 12 months
  • otime=~2014/04 looks for 2014/04/15 +/- 30 days
  • otime=~2014/04/20 looks for 2014/04/20 12:00:00 +/- 24 hours etc
  • otime=~2013..2014 looks for 2013/01/01 00:00:00 >= to < 2015/01/01 00:00:00 (<= 2014/12/31 23:59:59 would miss 1 second since seconds are stored millisecond exact)
  1. numerical a margin of +/-15% is applied, or on dates something meaningful Smart Values

Smart values or interpretation of values is included in mfind when querying:

% mfind 'mtime<1hr ago'

% mfind 'size>10MB'

% mfind 'image.pixels=~10M'

Smart values types explained and described in the required details below. Absolute Dates
Absolute dates in querying is done with some comfort for keys which are date defined[1]:
  • Y*AD (Anno Domini), e.g. 120AD (year 120)
  • Y*BC (Before Christ), e.g. 20BC (year -19)
  • YYYY, e.g. 2015
  • YYYY/M or YYYY/MM, e.g. 2015/3 or 2015/03
  • YYYY/MM/D or YYYY/MM/DD, e.g. 2015/3/15, 2015/3/5, 2015/09/5, or 2015/09/01
  • YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM, e.g. 2015/01/15 1:03 or 2015/1/3 14:00
  • YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2015/1/15 1:03:05 or 2014/12/1 21:15:03
% mfind 'mtime>2015'

% mfind 'mtime<2014/12'

% mfind 'mtime<2014/12/1'

% mfind 'otime<20BC'

Depending on context, the date is completed, e.g. when setting with mmeta the half of year, half or month or day is assumed, if it's not defined: 1980 means 1980/07/02 12:00:00; yet with mfind and Smart Expression like range with .., e.g. 1980..1990 is interpreted 1980/01/01 00:00:00 >= date < 1991/01/01 00:00:00.

  1. date type is defined in conf/*.conf "types": {} as *time keys like ctime, mtime etc Relative Timing
Relative timing in querying is possible using the notion:
  • {number} {unit} ago or ahead: whereas unit is an abbreviation of
    • seconds (s, sec, secs, second, seconds) (default)
    • minutes (m, mi, min, mins, minute, minutes) (60 secs)
    • hours (h, hr, hrs, hour, hours) (60 minutes)
    • days (d, dy, day, days) (24 hours)
    • weeks (w, wk, wks, week, weeks) (7 days)
    • months (mo, mos, mon, mons, month, months) (30.5 days)
    • years (y, yr, yrs, year, years) (365.25 days)
    • decades (de, dec, decades) (10 years)
    • centuries (ce, cen, cents, century, centuries) (100 years)
    • millenia (mil, millenia) (1000 years)
Examples: 1m ago, 1min ago, 3mins ago, 20 mins ago, 1.5d ago, 10days ahead, 1.5 mo ago, 10yr ago etc. most useful in regards of *time metadata like utime, mtime, ctime etc, but also in semantics: timings.
% mfind 'utime<1min ago'

% mfind 'mtime<10d ago'

% mfind 'semantics.timings.time>20yr ago' Memory & Storage Size
Common way to abbreviate memory sizes and storage sizes in bytes:
  • {number}{unit}: whereas unit is
    • KB or KiB, Kilobytes (1024 bytes),
    • MB or MiB, Megabytes (10242 bytes)
    • GB or GiB, Gigabytes (10243 bytes)
    • TB or TiB, Terabytes (10244 bytes)
    • PB or PiB, Petabytes (10245 bytes)
    • EB or EiB, Exabytes (10246 bytes)
    • ZB or ZiB, Zettabytes (10247 bytes)
    • YB or YiB, Yottabytes (10248 bytes)
Examples: 1.5KB, 10MB, 100GB, 2.3TB

% mfind 'size>10MB'

% mfind 'size>100GB'

Regardless whether hard-disks manufactures try to redefine MB, GB, TB as 1000n, it's 1024n. Large Numbers
Common way to abbreviate large numbers:
  • {number}{unit}: where as unit is
    • K for thousand(s) (10001)
    • M for million(s) (10002)
    • G for giga(s) (10003)
    • T tera(s) (10004)
    • P peta(s) (10005)
    • E exa(s) (10006)
    • Z zetta(s) (10007)
    • Y yotta(s) (10008)
Examples: 5M for 5,000,000

% mfind 'image.pixels>=5M'
for finding images with at least 5M pixels. Distances
Common way to abbreviate distances:
  • {number} {unit}: whereas unit is an abbreviation of
    • nanometer (nm) (10^-9 m)
    • micrometer (um) (10^-6 m)
    • millimeter (mm) (10^-3 m)
    • centimeter (cm) (10^-2 m)
    • decimeter (dm) (10^-1 m)
    • meter (m, mt)
    • kilometer (km) (10^3 m)
    • inches (",in) (0.0254 m)
    • feet (',ft) (0.3048 m)
    • miles (mi) (1609.34 m)
    • nautic miles (nmi) (1852 m)
    • astronomical unit (au, AU) (149,597,870.7 m)
    • lightyears (ly) (9.4607 10^15 m)
    • parsecs (pc) (3.0856776 10^16 m)
Examples: 15cm, 28km, 12mi, 2", 12ft

% mfind location:city=Zurich,dist=300km

% mfind location:city=Denver,dist=250mi Time Duration

Common times (duration):
  • {number} {unit}: whereas unit is an abbreviation of
    • nanoseconds (ns) (10^-9 s)
    • microseconds (us) (10^-6 s)
    • milliseconds (ms) (10^-3 s)
    • seconds (s, sec, secs, second, seconds) (default)
    • minutes (m, mi, min, mins, minute, minutes) (60 secs)
    • hours (h, hr, hrs, hour, hours) (60 minutes)
    • days (d, dy, day, days) (24 hours)
    • weeks (w, wk, wks, week, weeks) (7 days)
    • months (mo, mos, mon, mons, month, months) (30.5 days)
    • years (y, yr, yrs, year, years) (365.25 days)
    • decades (de, dec, decades) (10 years)
    • centuries (ce, cen, cents, century, centuries) (100 years)
    • millenia (mil, millenia) (1000 years)
Examples: 150ms, 2mins, 18hrs, 62days, 12wks, 2cen, 6mil

% mfind audio.duration=4min..8min

% mfind video.duration=50min..2hrs Percent
  • {number}%, e.g. 20.5%
Examples: 31.5% for 0.315
% mfind '>=30%'


  • -v or -vv etc, increases verbosity
  • -l long listing, display all metadata of the item
  • -t list order according utime (not name alphabetically which is default)
  • -sort=key sort according specific key, e.g. -sort=size or -sort=text.uniqueWords[1]
  • -e treat term as regular expression, same as /term/, also when the term contains * or ? -e enabled[2]
  • -i case insensitivity in case of -e, equivalent to /term/i[3]
  • -r reverse list order
  • -u show uid not (file)name
  • -L long listing, but times and numbers aren't "pretty" formated but displayed raw (times in UNIX epoch, seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC, negative numbers represent earlier dates)
  • -j long listing as JSON
  • -g does reverse lookup of location (lat/long ->, will be set)[4]
  • -o=format list entries with defined format, metadata values are displayed using ${key}, e.g. '-o=${name} (${uid}) ${mtime}'
  • -a show also internal metadata (only for debugging purposes)
  • -q use query expression (JSON default), see advanced querying
  • -J use JSON as query expression language
  • -P use Perl as query expression language
  • -f a file as input ('-' will be STDIN)

The combination of all the mentioned features, mfind is a powerful tool:


% mfind 'mtime:~10days ago'

% mfind 'image.pixels=5..10M'

% mfind 'size=10..50MB'

% mfind 'ctime=2015/01..2015/06'

% mfind 'mtime=~2014'

  1. it is important that handlers define the type of the metadata in conf/handler.conf "types": { } properly, so the sorting is correctly done as well, e.g. alphabetically for "string" or numerically as of "number" or "time" done
  2. currently regular expression search is rather slow, at a later time faster algorithms are used, see Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index by Cox (2012)
  3. full text search (fts) is default case insensitive
  4. it will not write back the lookup but only use it for display

3.2.3. mtag

mtag allows to add, set, or remove tags:
% mtag +meadow violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: meadow

% mtag +red,orange violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: meadow,red,orange

% mtag -red violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: meadow,orange

% mtag violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: meadow,orange

% mtag =blue violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: blue

% mtag violet_sunset.jpg
      tags: blue

% mtag = violet_sunset.jpg

% mtag --key=mytags +red sample.txt
      mytags: red


  • --key=key, alternative key (default 'tags'), e.g. --key=mytags

3.2.4. mmeta

mmeta allows to add and remove metadata:
% mmeta "--extra=extra field with some information" AA.txt
      extra: extra field with some information

% mmeta --extra AA.txt
      extra: extra field with some information

% mmeta --extra= AA.txt
      extra removed

% mmeta -l "--extra=something else" AA.txt
      extra: something else
       uid: c8b93ea21191343b49b8816d18a7f34f47c47aeb38e3512bf64cd9784f566f6b
      size: 15 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     otime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.333 (23hrs 5mins 4secs ago)
     mtime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 4secs ago)
     ctime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.333 (23hrs 5mins 4secs ago)
     utime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 4secs ago)
     atime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 4secs ago)
      hash: 1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6
     extra: something else
      excerpt: this is a text
   version: 1

You can also set a location, either via and preferable by (universal country code) to avoid ambiguity, or via / location.long - whatever is missing and can be determined will be added (by default for now), e.g. set city/country, and lat/long will be determined:

% mmeta -l AA.txt Steinhausen CH 47.1951
        location.long: 8.48581
        location.elevation: 425
       uid: c8b93ea21191343b49b8816d18a7f34f47c47aeb38e3512bf64cd9784f566f6b
      size: 15 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     otime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.333 (23hrs 5mins 58secs ago)
     ctime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.333 (23hrs 5mins 58secs ago)
     mtime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 58secs ago)
     utime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 58secs ago)
     atime: 2013/12/15 14:14:27.350 (23hrs 5mins 58secs ago)
      hash: 1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6
     extra: something else
         city: Steinhausen
      country: CH
    elevation: 425
          lat: 47.1951
         long: 8.48581
      excerpt: this is a text
   version: 1

% mmeta --location= AA.txt
        location removed

% mmeta --location.long=7 AA.txt 40
        location.long: 7 Alghero IT

% mmeta --location.long=-0.281236 Tolworth_tower_gigapixel_panorama.jpg 51.380008 deg
        location.long: -0.281236 deg

% mmeta  " 22' 48.03\" N" "--location.long=0 16' 52.45\" W" Tolworth_tower_gigapixel_panorama.jpg 51.380008 deg
        location.long: -0.281236 deg

Setting dates, e.g. mtime and otime are permitted to be changed (ctime, utime, atime have to be consistant and remain system controlled) or image.mtime or text.mtime can be altered or set: [1]

% mmeta '--mtime=1848/01/01 01:02:03' AA.txt
     mtime: 1848/01/01 01:02:03.000 (167yrs 1month 9days 16hrs 37mins 21secs ago)
% mmeta -L '--mtime=1848/01/01 01:02:03' AA.txt
     mtime: -3849980277
% mmeta --otime=1848 AA.txt 
     otime: 1848/06/15 00:00:00.000 (166yrs 7months 27days 17hrs 39mins 44secs ago)
% mmeta --otime=1848/04 AA.txt 
     otime: 1848/04/15 00:00:00.000 (166yrs 9months 27days 17hrs 39mins 52secs ago)
% mmeta --otime=1848/04/01 AA.txt
     otime: 1848/04/01 12:00:00.000 (166yrs 10months 10days 5hrs 40mins 0sec ago)
% mmeta '--otime=2 weeks ago' AA.txt 
     otime: 2015/01/27 17:40:07.980 (14days 0hr 0min 0sec ago)
Note: Defining just the year sets actual time half year in, or half month in, or half day in depending, this is done to emulate common sense or meaning when one says a document is from 1848, it means somewhen in the year 1848. Yet, when using mfind otime:1848..1849 it searches 1848/01/01 00:00:00 to 1849/12/31 23:59:59.999999. It also means if you know the data exact, set it exact, month, day, hour, minute or second exact if possible, otherwise the undefined parts will be assumed somewhere in between.

In case you want to switch off the Smart Value parsing, and ensure the data is copied verbatim use == instead of = or ::

% mmeta --otime==10000 AA.txt 
     otime: 1970/01/01 02:46:40.000 (45yrs 1month 9days 14hrs 59mins 35secs ago)
% mmeta -L --otime==10000 AA.txt
     otime: 10000


  • -l long listing, display all metadata of the item
  • -u use uid instead of (file)name
  • -L long listing, but times and numbers aren't "pretty" formated but displayed raw (times in UNIX epoch, seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC, negative numbers represent earlier dates)
  • -j long listing as JSON
  • -a show also internal metadata (only for debugging purposes)

  1. it's essential the proper "type" is defined in conf/metafs.conf or other configuration file as "date" so the date parsing takes place

3.2.5. mrm

By default it's fine to use rm to delete files, and if trash bin is enabled in conf/metafs.conf, the item will reside in the trash, so you can
  • undelete or
  • purge entirely
using mrm, e.g. view the trash bin:
% mrm -t
        total 2 items (24 bytes)

and undelete item(s):

% mrm --undelete DIR XX
        DIR bbcc6883ccc6c1a84883520853b7957d74a4e1b7c4949b9ae31f80e0cc7af858 restored
        XX c95423acdde05abfe79bc1e279e471af2c683ec5ab24d99028c4110593ca8cb0 restored
% murm DIR XX        
        DIR bbcc6883ccc6c1a84883520853b7957d74a4e1b7c4949b9ae31f80e0cc7af858 restored
        XX c95423acdde05abfe79bc1e279e471af2c683ec5ab24d99028c4110593ca8cb0 restored

and finally to purge the items in the trash bin:

% mrm -p 
        purging trash, done.
        total of 2 items (24 bytes) freed


  • -t: view trash bin
  • -u: use uid instead of (file)names
  • --undelete: undelete items from the trash (same as murm)
  • -r: delete recursively, e.g. mrm -r DIR/
  • -p: purge trash bin

3.2.6. mcp

Copy an item including the metadata:

% mcp AA.txt BB.txt

3.2.7. mdup

mdup lists possible duplicates in content (for now disregards the metadata):
% cp open-source-logo.png sample.png

% cp BB DIR/XY

% mdup
   == sample.png

   == DIR/XY

% mdup sample.png
   == sample.png
Note: hash-handler needs to be enabled (by default it is) in metafs.conf so duplicates can be found.

3.2.8. mfsck

mfsck provides filesystem check (fsck):
% mfsck
    volume: alpha
       uid: 415ecba1d21aae6e2c1f384b312e236f946c15aa23d630d2e84c587738990c70
     ctime: 2014/08/21 05:53:52.040 (28days 9hrs 18mins 42secs ago)
      path: /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha
     mount: /home/kiwi/mount

    pass 1: data
         19 of 19 (100.0%), eta 00s, elapsed 00s, 7191.4 p/s
    pass 2: metadata
         18 of 18 (100.0%), eta 00s, elapsed 00s, 0.0 p/s
    pass 3: hash
         19 of 19 (100.0%), eta 00s, elapsed 00s, 265.7 p/s
    pass 4: version
         1 of 1 (100.0%), eta 01s, elapsed 00s, 0.0 p/s
    pass 5: fts
    pass 6: snapshot

     total: 19 items (18 plain, 1 folder)

  • data: check data files (existance)
  • metadata: data files reverse to metadata consistency
  • hash: check data integrity
  • and the others do check their own integrity (e.g. version, fts, snapshot etc)


  • --perform=pass1,passN, e.g. --perform=hash,metadata
  • --skip=pass1,passN, e.g. --skip=fts,hash

By default all checking is done, with --skip= individual passes can be skipped, or --perform= or direct list the passes to perform:

% mfsck
% mfsck metadata hash
% mfsck --perform=metadata,hash
% mfsck --skip=hash,fts

3.2.9. mfsinfo

mfsinfo displays some basic information of the filesystem:
% mfsinfo
             volume: alpha
                uid: 415ecba1d21aae6e2c1f384b312e236f946c15aa23d630d2e84c587738990c70
              ctime: 2014/08/21 05:53:52.040 (28days 9hrs 20mins 55secs ago)
               path: /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha
              mount: /home/kiwi/mount
           fts size: 454,656
  location geonames: 138,673
     queue database: 0
     queue triggers: 0
     snapshot count: 0
      version dists: 1:17, 17:1
         total size: 10,597,508 bytes
        total items: 19
By default most information is listed, you can also individually information:
  • indexes (default)
  • triggers (default): trigger queue, and eta until empty
  • statistics: provide detailed statistics
  • mongodb (default): internal mongodb information
  • trash (default)
  • size (default): calculate sum of all items (time consuming)
  • name of any handler, e.g. hash, snapshot or so; not all handlers support fsinfo trigger
  • -l more details (e.g. statistics)
  • -q display trigger queue
  • -w display all indexed words
  • -a all switches listed above
  • -j output JSON
  • -L more details but no formating
which can be combined too, e.g. -l -q is equal to -lq.

% mfsinfo -l
% mfsinfo -a
% mfsinfo triggers
% mfsinfo trash

3.2.10. mtrigger

mtrigger provides way to deal with the triggers, to fire a trigger to a handler:

mtrigger [handler] [trigger] [uid] ...
mtrigger [handler] [trigger] [file] ...

where uid or file are optional.


% mtrigger text update *         -- all items in current dir
% mtrigger text update *.txt     -- all .txt items in current dir
% mtrigger text update '*'       -- all items matching MIME for text-handler

  • handler: you find the available handlers in handlers/ (e.g. /var/lib/metafs/handlers)
  • trigger: init, update, etc.
either you reference the items via (file)name, or the UIDs, "*" means all items in the volume.

Note: handlers only accept often only certain mime-types flavoured items, which are defined in metafs.conf. So given the handler accepts those mime-types properly, it's safe to use "*" to be sure all processed metadata are up-to-date again.

The mtrigger command is only used:

  • if something went really bad, and recover metadata which is processed via handlers
  • a volume is transfered while trigger queue was still non-empty
  • special handlers have their own triggers, e.g. snapshot-handler has mksnap trigger
% mtrigger queue     -- list trigger queue
% mtrigger purge     -- purge trigger queue

3.2.11. marc

marc provides simple archiving functionality, using a new archive file format with the same name marc:

marc [options] command  archive [ items ... ]

whereas command are single letters (following the tar command notion):

  • c create archive or overwrite existing
  • a add items to existing archive or create new archive
  • t show table of content
  • x extract archive
and optional and combinable with commands above:
  • v verbose, display what it does at creation, extraction or adding
  • z compress (only needed for creation)
  • p pretend, don't do any changes but show what would be done
Additionally, if archive is - stdin or stdout depending on functionality is considered.

and options are following:

  • --exclude=regex exclude certain entries as defined via regular expression, e.g. marc '--exclude=.txt$' cv ../all.marc .
Use extension .marc to indicate the file format as you likely use the archive outside of MetaFS volume, within it will be recognized as MIME type application/x-marc.

% marc c alpha.marc *.txt DIR/

% marc t alpha.marc
toc: marc (v1,uncompressed)
toc: 76b68ccf68b87c6084f0d2584c1166a7-5468cbdf-d28403 AA.txt (783+15)
toc: c67afcde66d99cbabbfe3b8119a620e3-54bd20d2-8e23f2 bible.txt (1713+5504597)
toc: 31caf4a25ff00fa66fb830880f401e45-54bd164a-8e23f1 mahabharata.txt (1714+1382551)
toc: 304e0581e94356dc158c82cd2876e207-54ce76e1-27664a quantities.txt (6541+825)
toc: 3c0a61c0eb82b76d5fa1461b77d633a9-5468cbe2-d2840b shakespeare-midsummer-16.txt (13166+96439)
toc: d9275664d2edbc7ecb886d6745e2019d-5468cbe3-d28412 timings.txt (4038+174)
toc: 79452b0181914ac4c10339c85c05e56a-5468cbe2-d28408 DIR (452)
toc: c0438178471ee5d129b9fd02f83b04ff-5468cbe2-d28409 XX (826+24)
        total 8 items, 29,233+6,984,625 bytes

% marc x alpha.marc

% marc av alpha.marc *.jpg
add: marc (v1,uncompressed)
add: 400b567447146bea210748356be0c77d-54ba9a90-ef6717 20130914_140844.jpg (115615+3517355)
add: 51dfa485449e2b7b834aafb0d8979be1-54d7a542-624240 20140730_112500.jpg (116079+2771122)
add: 631147443d31a021c2a0303e597bf82d-54d7a542-624241 20140730_191555.jpg (119188+3142812)
add: 6e5318e9127f2c00e2b4cee73e9011f6-54bbe2c5-ef6719 the-starry-night-1889.jpg (121357+2684897)
add: da37cac949dacd8b5893080969f1687a-54bba873-ef6718 venus.jpg (111489+366826)
add: 27a64d5ce00622e5a2d2dd488d10e3fc-54be2ecb-5615ea violet_sunset.jpg (119841+44788)
        total 6 items added, 703,569+12,527,800 bytes

% marc cv - . | (ssh "cd Alpha/; marc xv -")

The marc file format itself is explained in the Cookbook: Archiving.

3.2.12. Additional Functionality

There are commands available without program shortcuts, which means they need to be invoked with metabusy ahead, like metabusy backup. format

Formating a volume is emptying a volume entirely:
% metabusy format
Hint: you have to be inside a volume to perform this task. backup

Backup a volume is needed when you want to
  1. backup a volume
  2. transfer a volume to another machine (with the same backend infrastructure)[1]
% metabusy backup
See Backup Volume for more details.

  1. use marc tool to create an archive and extract again restore

Restore a volume from a backup or another machine:
% metabusy restore
See Restore Volume for more details.

3.2.13. metabusy.conf

In conf/metabusy.conf you can define the defaults for metabusy functionality:
{  # -- metabusy and related programs (shortcuts) default settings:

   "find": {
      "searchDefault": [ "name", "tags", "fts", "location" ],
      "argsDefault": {
         "name": { "e": 1, "i": 1 },
         "tags": { "e": 1, "i": 1 },
         "fts": { },
         "location": { "dist": 10000 }
      "maxResults": 0,            # -- unlimited (be aware of timeouts)
      # "maxResults": 100000,

      "autoProgress": 100000      # -- show progress bar if more than 100,000 entries
   "ls": { },
   "meta": { },
   "tag": { },
   "cp": { },
   "rm": { },
   "dup": { },
   "trigger": { },
   "format": { },
   "restore": { },
   "backup": { },
   "fsck": { },
   "fsinfo": { },

4. Mounting

4.1. metafs vs mount

MetaFS is implemented using FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace), and a volume can be mounted using mount as well.

For the following examples alpha is the volume name and Alpha/ the mountpoint.

% metafs alpha Alpha/
% sudo mount -t metafs alpha Alpha/
does the same. The only difference is that metafs can be executed as normal user, where as mount root is required.

4.2. /etc/fstab

So you can add a permanent entry to /etc/fstab:
<volume> <mountpoint>      metafs   user  0 0

for example:

alpha    /home/me/Alpha/   metafs   user  0 0
beta     /home/me/Beta/    metafs   user  0 0

Also, once you added your entries in /etc/fstab, you can use mount and umount as well, e.g. sudo mount Alpha/ or sudo umount Alpha/.

So, theoretically, at every boot you can have your volumes mounted right away, but it's unlikely that at time the disks are mounted the other services like MongoDB / TokuMX and Elasticsearch (if enabled) are running already[1], this means you have to add in /etc/rc.local following line:

(sleep 10 && mount -a) &

Hint: With "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" it will complain that some mounts failed and ask to hit 'S' for skip, so, this approach is more recommended for server usage.

  1. In case MongoDB or TokuMX and enabled Elasticsearch reside on another machine and the machines network is up, the first mount attempt might succeed.

4.3. metafs -u vs umount

There are several ways to unmount the volume, either via metafs and by volume name or mountpoint, or umount:
% metafs -u alpha
% metafs -u Alpha/
% sudo umount Alpha/
does all the same.

5. Volumes

5.1. Create & Mount Volume

First create the mountpoint, an empty folder/directory:
% mkdir Alpha/
as next metafs creates a new volume, unless it exists already, when you mount a volume:
% metafs alpha Alpha/
in this case the volume content is stored at /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha.

or create or mount a volume by a path, given myvolumes/ folder/directory exists:

% metafs myvolumes/alpha Alpha/

5.2. Backup Volume

MetaFS uses MongoDB or TokuMX and Elasticsearch services, in order to backup the entire volume:
% cd Alpha/
% metabusy backup
which dump MongoDB / TokuMX volume related data and Elasticsearch index to the volume (e.g. /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha); then you can tar that directory and store or transfer it to another machine with the same backend infrastructure.

Note: this functionality will change soon.

See also marc (MetaFS Archive) command and format, to store datasets backend independent.

5.3. Restore Volume

In order to restore a volume of a previous backup (same backend infrastructure), ensure the data of the volume is current (e.g. /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha), then mount the volume using metafs and then:
% cd Alpha/
% metabusy restore
which updates MongoDB / TokuMX and Elasticsearch with the up-to-date data.

Note: this functionality will change soon.

See also marc (MetaFS Archive) command and format, to store datasets backend independent.

5.4. Format Volume

In case you want to reset and empty a volume, to start from scratch:
% cd Alpha/
% metabusy format

Internally a format event is sent to all handlers if they defined to receive it in conf/metafs.conf, and near the end of the formatting an init event as if the volume was re-mounted.

6. Time

All times are in float UNIX epoch, seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC, with microseconds (usec or µsec) precision, although just 3 digits are displayed in mls and other MetaFS tools.

Since the times aren't stored as integer but float, it also means there is no 32 bit overflow happening in year 2038. Further, it enables to backdate data to earlier than 1970 by using a negative time.

6.1. Creation Time (ctime)

ctime is the time the item was created within the file system.

6.2. Modification Time (mtime)

mtime is the time of the last modification of the data, which may be earlier than ctime.

  • new item: ctime == mtime
  • existing item copied into MetaFS: ctime <= mtime

6.3. Update Time (utime)

utime has been introduced to MetaFS to reflect update of data or metadata, e.g. trigger meta in a handler is processed.

  • new item: utime == mtime == ctime
  • existing item: utime == ctime

6.4. Origin Time (otime)

otime has been introduced to MetaFS to reflect the time the data origins from, independent of the media.

For example,

  • a painting is started in May 5, 1876 (image.painting.ctime), and
  • finished in June 3, 1876 (image.painting.mtime), and
  • photographed with a digital camera in October 5, 2005 (image.ctime, image.mtime & mtime), and
  • copied to the local filesystem in February 8, 2015 (ctime).
then otime is derived from image.painting.mtime, either manually by you who set image.painting.ctime/mtime and then also manually or automatically[1] to otime, best consult the Cookbook: Mapping Keys for best practice in this regards.

  • ctime is about when the data came to the filesystem,
  • mtime when the digital data was last modified,
  • otime the data or information came to be, even before translated or captured digitally.

  1. conf/metafs.conf mappings section covers how otime is derived from in a more automatic sense

6.5. Access Time (atime)

atime is the last time the item's content was accessed, to read or write.

  • reading item: atime updated, no other time is altered.
  • writing item: atime == mtime
  • writing new item: atime == mtime == ctime

7. Item Types

type in the item is used to indicate the type of the item, if it's not set, then it's a normal or default item.

7.1. Folder

type: folder indicates an UNIX ~folder, it's a node without data~.

Other items have the parent set to an item with type: folder, hence are files in that folder - this the first use case of MetaFS: acting as UNIX filesystem.

mls shows items with type: folder with a trailing '/', alike ls does.

% mls 

7.2. Node

type: node indicates a node with data, where other items belong to. The sub-nodes are those items, which have parent set to the item with type: node.

There is no UNIX filesystem equivalent of a node as such, as a folder or directory cannot and does not hold data as well. In order to make a node visible under a filesystem, each node has two visible entries, mls shows items with type: node twice:

  1. file aspect of the node
  2. folder aspect of the node
% mls

One of the use cases of node is when an item is exploded into its pieces, e.g. a video into still images.

The sub-nodes have then parent set to the item with type: node, and because parent is used as reference, mls lists the sub-nodes as files of the node seen as folder.

7.3. Custom Types

You may define your own types, aside of folder and node; yet as a reminder, the item type covers functionality and topography, but not content.

Rather try to adapt existing item type functionality than invent your own, as if a new type is introduced then metabusy toolset might require an update (mls, mfsck, mfsinfo etc).

7.4. mls & Types

In conf/metabusy.conf the type mapping of mls is defined, which type has which trailing marker:
"ls": {
   "typeMap": {
      "folder": "/",
      "node": "+/"

8. Technical Overview

The current implementation of MetaFS is done with Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) which gives an interface to low level operations of dealing with the filesystem, like creating new files, entering a folder etc; as such, all existing programs dealing with the UNIX filesystem still work, additionally MetaFS specific programs which provide access to the extended MetaFS-functionality: metadata.

As backend MongoDB or TokuMX is used, as well Elasticsearch for the full text search capability.

9. Handlers

Handlers are there to extract metadata from the data, or provide additional functionality like versioning, syncing between machines etc.

9.1. System Handlers

Following handlers are included in current MetaFS:

9.1.1. hash

The hash-handler computes the SHA256 hash digest:
% mmeta --hash AA.txt
      hash: 1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6

% sha256sum AA.txt 
1341566a646b4e759d3cf63e8e59be9c52d47d55701d7f941334b58030460eb6  AA.txt

9.1.2. version

The version-handler tracks versions of an item.

MIME: */*

9.1.3. image

The image-handler processes all image/* and PDFs, creates an thumbnail and processes other images data, like extract EXIF data if available.

MIME: image/* and application/pdf

  • image/*: determines width and height of image, image.{width,height}.
  • create a thumbnail in thumb/ and sets thumb.{width,height,src,mtime}.
  • image.vector contains R,G,B values summarized
  • image.color.type: bw, gray, monochrome, limited or full
  • image.illumination: bright, balanced or dark
  • image.theme contains a set of colors and their normalized ratio, e.g. image.theme.white is 0.03, which means 3% of the image is white.
and updates it if necessary (update, delete).

See Cookbook: Images with more details of image.* metadata and how to search for particular colors in images. Image EXIF

If the image is an JPEG, the EXIF data is attempted to extract:
  • image.EXIF.* which can be comprehensive (see example below).
Note: if the "CreateDate" field is set in EXIF, image.mtime & mtime of the file is overriden, the ctime of the file remains up-to-date (mtime is older than ctime like with cp -p). Unfortunately EXIF "CreateDate" does not contain any timezone information.

For example:

% mls -l 20130914_140844.jpg
       uid: 6af8de2116a3a8408f8cf7a579ed0f0a-545886a3-6edfc5
      size: 3,517,355 bytes
      mime: image/jpeg
     otime: 2013/09/14 12:08:16.000 (1yr 1month 26days 18hrs 45mins 56secs ago)
     ctime: 2014/11/04 07:56:19.479 (6days 22hrs 57mins 53secs ago)
     mtime: 2013/09/14 12:08:16.000 (1yr 1month 26days 18hrs 45mins 56secs ago)
     utime: 2014/11/04 07:56:19.656 (6days 22hrs 57mins 53secs ago)
     atime: 2014/11/10 13:24:17.172 (17hrs 29mins 55secs ago)
      mode: rwxr--r--
      hash: f74b72a8cf30087cca26bdacd6d803f884d163930f70f14a6a89c177ae50b18e
        EXIF: { 
           Aperture: 2.7
           ApertureValue: 2.6
           BitsPerSample: 8
           BrightnessValue: 9.76
           ColorComponents: 3
           ColorSpace: sRGB
           Compression: "JPEG (old-style)"
           CreateDate: "2013:09:14 14:08:43"
           DateTimeOriginal: "2013:09:14 14:08:43"
           Directory: /home/kiwi/Projects/MetaFS/volumes/alpha/files/6a/f8
           EncodingProcess: "Baseline DCT, Huffman coding"
           ExifByteOrder: "Little-endian (Intel, II)"
           ExifImageHeight: 2448
           ExifImageWidth: 3264
           ExifToolVersion: 9.70
           ExifVersion: 0220
           ExposureCompensation: 0
           ExposureMode: Auto
           ExposureProgram: "Aperture-priority AE"
           ExposureTime: 1/1585
           FNumber: 2.7
           FileAccessDate: "2014:11:04 08:56:19+01:00"
           FileInodeChangeDate: "2014:11:04 08:56:19+01:00"
           FileModifyDate: "2014:11:04 08:56:19+01:00"
           FileName: de2116a3a8408f8cf7a579ed0f0a-545886a3-6edfc5
           FilePermissions: rwxr--r--
           FileSize: "3.4 MB"
           FileType: JPEG
           Flash: "Off, Did not fire"
           FlashpixVersion: 0100
           FocalLength: "4.0 mm"
           FocalLength35efl: "4.0 mm"
           GPSAltitude: "477.3 m Above Sea Level"
           GPSAltitude1: "477.3 m"
           GPSAltitudeRef: "Above Sea Level"
           GPSDateStamp: 2013:09:14
           GPSDateTime: "2013:09:14 12:08:16Z"
           GPSLatitude: "47 deg 9' 9.41" N"
           GPSLatitude1: "47 deg 9' 9.41""
           GPSLatitudeRef: North
           GPSLongitude: "8 deg 30' 33.05" E"
           GPSLongitude1: "8 deg 30' 33.05""
           GPSLongitudeRef: East
           GPSPosition: "47 deg 9' 9.41" N, 8 deg 30' 33.05" E"
           GPSTimeStamp: 12:08:16
           ISO: 40
           ImageHeight: 2448
           ImageHeight1: 240
           ImageHeight2: 2448
           ImageSize: 3264x2448
           ImageUniqueID: SBEF02
           ImageWidth: 3264
           ImageWidth1: 320
           ImageWidth2: 3264
           LightValue: 14.8
           MIMEType: image/jpeg
           Make: SAMSUNG
           MakerNoteVersion: 0100
           MaxApertureValue: 2.6
           MeteringMode: "Center-weighted average"
           Model: GT-I9100
           ModifyDate: "2013:09:14 14:08:43"
           Orientation: "Horizontal (normal)"
           Orientation1: "Horizontal (normal)"
           ResolutionUnit: inches
           ResolutionUnit1: inches
           SceneCaptureType: Standard
           ShutterSpeed: 1/1585
           ShutterSpeedValue: 1/1585
           Software: I9100XWLSS
           ThumbnailLength: 45752
           ThumbnailOffset: 1142
           UserComment: "User comments"
           WhiteBalance: Auto
           XResolution: 72
           XResolution1: 72
           YCbCrPositioning: Centered
           YCbCrSubSampling: "YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)"
           YResolution: 72
           ThumbnailLength: 45752
           ThumbnailOffset: 1142
           UserComment: "User comments"
           WhiteBalance: Auto
           XResolution: 72
           XResolution1: 72
           YCbCrPositioning: Centered
           YCbCrSubSampling: "YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)"
           YResolution: 72
           YResolution1: 72
        height: 2448
        vector: { 
           1x1: [ [ 48.1481481481481, 49.4814814814815, 49.962962962963 ] ]
           3x3: [ [ 208, 219, 236 ], [ 206, 220, 239 ], [ 124, 134, 143 ], [ 144, 152, 153 ], [ 139, 139, 130 ], [ 67, 70, 68 ], [ 122, 123, 114 ], [ 158, 149, 139 ], [ 132, 130, 127 ] ]
        width: 3264
        body: Earth
        elevation: 477.3
        lat: 47.1526138888889
        long: 8.50918055555556
    parent: 0
        height: 375
        mtime: 1415087783.65373
        src: thumb/6a/f8/de2116a3a8408f8cf7a579ed0f0a-545886a3-6edfc5
        width: 500
   version: 1

9.1.4. video

The video-handler processes all video/*, extracts some metadata and tries to extract some frames as still pictures.

See Cookbook: Videos for more details.

9.1.5. audio

Thumbnail of sample MP3
The audio-handler processes all audio/*, extracts metadata, e.g. from MP3 content the title, album etc, and if possible creates a waveform picture for preview.
% mls -l fables_01_01_aesop_64kb.mp3
       uid: ee93d0b3271c7743b6e5e230c7bf4b1c830ca01fede07b627ddc929d1ef1060e
      size: 373,155 bytes
      mime: audio/mpeg
     otime: 2014/09/17 10:22:20.302 (1day 20hrs 8mins 38secs ago)
     ctime: 2014/09/17 10:22:20.302 (1day 20hrs 8mins 38secs ago)
     mtime: 2014/09/17 10:22:20.345 (1day 20hrs 8mins 38secs ago)
     utime: 2014/09/17 10:22:20.345 (1day 20hrs 8mins 38secs ago)
     atime: 2014/09/17 10:22:20.345 (1day 20hrs 8mins 38secs ago)
      hash: f19f86d2658f39c64187492903c0100a846fa63a72131574f20f49257959c9da
        album: Aesop's Fables Volume 1
       artist: Aesop
     duration: 46secs 600ms 0us
        title: The Fox and The Grapes
       height: 256 px
          src: thumb/ee/93/d0b3271c7743b6e5e230c7bf4b1c830ca01fede07b627ddc929d1ef1060e
        width: 384 px
   version: 1

See Cookbook: Audios for more details.

9.1.6. text

The text-handler tries to find strings, tries to determine the encoding.

MIME: text/*, application/octet-stream

  • indexes all words found in the file in the full text index (fts)
  • guesses text.encoding based on first 512 bytes found (ascii, utf- or binary`)
  • extracts an excerpt to text.excerpt
and updates it if necessary (update, delete, undelete).

See Cookbook: Texts for more details.

9.1.7. html

The html-handler primarly extracts metadata as found in the HTML, and makes it available in text.html.* and text.html.meta.*

MIME: text/html

  • indexes actual content (without tags) in full text index
  • makes metatags available
  • makes links available (<a href="link">content</a>)
  • inherents title from <title>
  • inherents charset information into text.encoding
  • extracts an excerpt to text.excerpt
and updates it if necessary (update, delete, undelete).

See Cookbook: Texts: HTML for more details.

9.1.8. pdf

The pdf-handler extracts some PDF metadata and makes it available in text.pdf.* and guesses the title too.

MIME: application/pdf

  • indexes actual text content into full text index
  • extracts metadata into text.pdf.*
  • extracts an excerpt to text.excerpt
Note: the preview thumbnail is rendered by the image-handler

See Cookbook: Texts: PDF for more details.

9.1.9. odf

The odf-handler deals with all the Open Document Formats (ODF) such as:
  • ODT: Open Document Text Document
  • ODG: Open Document Graphics
  • ODP: Open Document Presentation
  • ODS: Open Document Spreadsheet
MIME: application/zip (odf files actually are a bunch of files zipped)

  • extracts text and index in full text index
  • extracts thumbnail
  • extracts an excerpt to text.excerpt
  • extract metadata into odf.*
    • parses date/time if necessary (dc_date or meta_creation-date) and copied to text.ctime & text.mtime
    • guesses author ( and title of document (text.title -> title)
    • inherents keywords and comments (text.keywords & text.comments)
See Cookbook: Texts: ODF for more details.

% mls -l Metadata.odt
        office_meta: { 
           dc_creator: "Joe Sixpack"
           dc_date: 2015-02-11T12:32:10.170720790
           dc_description: "Brief description of what metadata is."
           dc_subject: "Metadata explanation"
           dc_title: Metadata
           meta_creation-date: 2013-12-13T12:22:22.326000000
           meta_document-statistic: { 
              meta_character-count: 1028
              meta_image-count: 0
              meta_non-whitespace-character-count: 877
              meta_object-count: 0
              meta_page-count: 1
              meta_paragraph-count: 3
              meta_table-count: 0
              meta_word-count: 154
           meta_editing-cycles: 7
           meta_editing-duration: PT7M57S
           meta_generator: "LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/420m0$Build-2"
           meta_keyword: [ metadata, wikipedia ]
        office_version: 1.2
        xmlns_meta: urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0
        xmlns_office: urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0
    parent: 0
        author: "Joe Sixpack"
        comments: "Brief description of what metadata is."
        ctime: 2013/12/13 12:22:22.000 (1yr 2months 8days 5hrs 12mins 52secs ago)
        excerpt: "Metadata The term metadata refers to &quot;data about data&quot;. The term is ambiguous, as it is used for two fundamentally different concepts (types). Structural metadata is about the design and specification of data structures and is more properly called &quot;data about the containers of data&quot;; descriptive metadata, on the other hand, is about individual instances of application data, the data content. Metadata are traditionally found in the card catalogs of libraries. As information has become inc"
        keywords: [ metadata, wikipedia ]
        language: en
        lines: 1
        mtime: 2015/02/11 12:32:10.000 (7days 5hrs 3mins 4secs ago)
        title: Metadata
        uniqueWords: 95
        words: 164
        height: 256 px
        mime: image/x-png
        mtime: 2015/02/11 16:53:36.113 (7days 0hr 41mins 38secs ago)
        src: thumb/96/db/db99a0671aa26d27fecf821caa4e-54db890f-6a6b1a
        width: 181 px
Essentially all ODF formats are zipped collection of files, which are looked at and metadata extracted including a thumbnail of the file.

9.1.10. epub

The epub-handler extracts metadata, extract text content of the ebook into FTS, and uses cover image as thumbnail:
  • EPUB contains the original metadata as parsed from entry point (html), mostly dc_* keys
  • text.copyright
  • text.description
  • text.chapters, count of chapters
  • text.ctime / text.mtime / text.otime
  • text.publisher
plus the usual text statistics.

% mls -l "The Man Who Cycled the World.epub"
The Man Who Cycled the World.epub
     title: "The Man Who Cycled the World"
    author: "Mark Beaumont"
 copyright: "Copyright (c) 2011 by Mark Beaumont"
       uid: 8f49aa57511ba291a56d46abaa169c50-57038d8f-e7624e
      size: 3,229,546 bytes
      mime: application/zip
     otime: 2011/06/28 12:00:00.000 (4y 9mo 9d 2hr 8m 23s ago)
     ctime: 2016/04/05 10:03:59.791 (4hr 4m 23s ago)
     mtime: 2011/06/28 12:00:00.000 (4y 9mo 9d 2hr 8m 23s ago)
     utime: 2016/04/05 10:04:00.124 (4hr 4m 23s ago)
     atime: 2016/04/05 10:04:00.000 (4hr 4m 23s ago)
      mode: rw-rw-r--
      hash: 1d9e6827def255495bba06c7e00596350abf213f3f1d18e0c1d5ee7193bd4c78
        dc_creator: "Mark Beaumont"
        dc_date: 2011-06-28
        dc_identifier: 978-0-307-71666-8
        dc_language: en-US
        dc_publisher: Crown/Archetype
        dc_rights: "Copyright (c) 2011 by Mark Beaumont"
        dc_title: "The Man Who Cycled the World"
        description: "<p><b>The remarkable true story of one man's quest to break the record for cycling around the world</b><br><br
>On the 15th of February 2008, Mark Beaumont had pedaled through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris--194 days and 17 hours after setting o
ff in an attempt to circumnavigate the world. His journey had taken him, alone and unsupported, through 18,297 miles, 4 continents, 
and numerous countries. From broken wheels and unforeseen obstacles in Europe, to stifling Middle Eastern deserts and deadly Austral
ian spiders, to the highways and backroads of America, he'd seen the best and worst that the world had to offer. <br><br>He had also
 smashed the Guinness World Record by an astonishing 81 days. This is the story of how he did it.<br>Told with honesty, humor, and w
isdom, <i>The Man Who Cycled the World</i> is at once an unforgettable adventure, an insightful travel narrative, and an impassioned
 paean to the joys of the open road.<br><br><i>From the Trade Paperback edition.</i>"
        meta: { 
           cover: { 
              content: cover-image
           epubcheckdate: { 
              content: 2011-06-20
           epubcheckversion: { 
              content: 1.2
description: "The remarkable true story of one man's quest to break the record for cycling around the world On the 15th of February
 2008, Mark Beaumont had pedaled through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris--194 days and 17 hours after setting off in an attempt to circ
umnavigate the world. His journey had taken him, alone and unsupported, through 18,297 miles, 4 continents, and numerous countries. 
From broken wheels and unforeseen obstacles in Europe, to stifling Middle Eastern deserts and deadly Australian spiders, to the high
ways and backroads of America, he'd seen the best and worst that the world had to offer. He had also smashed the Guinness World Reco
rd by an astonishing 81 days. This is the story of how he did it. Told with honesty, humor, and wisdom, The Man Who Cycled the World
 is at once an unforgettable adventure, an insightful travel narrative, and an impassioned paean to the joys of the open road. From 
the Trade Paperback edition."
        author: "Mark Beaumont"
        chapters: 50
        copyright: "Copyright (c) 2011 by Mark Beaumont"
        ctime: 2011/06/28 12:00:00.000 (4y 9mo 9d 2hr 8m 23s ago)
        description: "The remarkable true story of one man's quest to break the record for cycling around the world On the 15th of 
February 2008, Mark Beaumont had pedaled through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris--194 days and 17 hours after setting off in an attempt
 to circumnavigate the world. His journey had taken him, alone and unsupported, through 18,297 miles, 4 continents, and numerous cou
ntries. From broken wheels and unforeseen obstacles in Europe, to stifling Middle Eastern deserts and deadly Australian spiders, to 
the highways and backroads of America, he'd seen the best and worst that the world had to offer. He had also smashed the Guinness Wo
rld Record by an astonishing 81 days. This is the story of how he did it. Told with honesty, humor, and wisdom, The Man Who Cycled t
he World is at once an unforgettable adventure, an insightful travel narrative, and an impassioned paean to the joys of the open roa
d. From the Trade Paperback edition."
        entities: [ (26 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
        excerpt: "The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the Worl
d The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World Acknowledgment
sFrom a secret ambition, nurtured through university, the world cycle grew arms and legs to launch my career in the adventure world,
 which I am now able to continue. It is one thing being good at what you plan to do, but it is quite another to find the emotional, to circumnavigate the world. His journey had taken him, alone and unsupported, through 18,297 miles, 4 continents, and numerous cou
ntries. From broken wheels and unforeseen obstacles in Europe, to stifling Middle Eastern deserts and deadly Australian spiders, to 
the highways and backroads of America, he'd seen the best and worst that the world had to offer. He had also smashed the Guinness Wo
rld Record by an astonishing 81 days. This is the story of how he did it. Told with honesty, humor, and wisdom, The Man Who Cycled t
he World is at once an unforgettable adventure, an insightful travel narrative, and an impassioned paean to the joys of the open roa
d. From the Trade Paperback edition."
        entities: [ (26 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
        excerpt: "The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the Worl
d The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World The Man Who Cycled the World Acknowledgment
sFrom a secret ambition, nurtured through university, the world cycle grew arms and legs to launch my career in the adventure world,
 which I am now able to continue. It is one thing being good at what you plan to do, but it is quite another to find the emotional, 
        language: en
        lines: 1
        mtime: 2011/06/28 12:00:00.000 (4y 9mo 9d 2hr 8m 23s ago)
        otime: 2011/06/28 12:00:00.000 (4y 9mo 9d 2hr 8m 23s ago)
        publisher: Crown/Archetype
        title: "The Man Who Cycled the World"
        topics: [ (17 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
        uniqueWords: 10,179
        verbosity: 14.4125159642401
        words: 146,705

9.1.11. msword

The msword-handler extracts metadata of Microsoft Word Documents into text.msword.*, and indexes the text body into FTS.
% mls -l UF-ENG-001World-2009-0.22.SRT.doc
      text: {
        language: en
        lines: 105,644
       msword: { 
           Company: "Hewlett-Packard Company"
           Created: 2013-12-20T17:11:00Z
           Creator: gremlin
           EditingDuration: 2009-04-22T19:26:48Z
           Generator: "Microsoft Office Word"
           LastModified: 2013-12-20T17:11:00Z
           LastSavedBy: gremlin
           LinksDirty: FALSE
           NumberOfCharacters: 5838585
           NumberOfLines: 48654
           NumberOfPages: 706
           NumberOfParagraphs: 13698
           NumberOfWords: 1024313
           Revision: 2
           Scale: FALSE
           SecurityLevel: 0
           Template: Normal.dotm
           Title: "The Urantia Book"
           Unknown1: 6849200
           Unknown3: FALSE
           Unknown6: FALSE
           Unknown7: 786432
           msoleCodepage: 1252

9.1.12. location

The location-handler takes care of the Geonames database, used to assist lookup places in regards of GPS coordinates.

9.1.13. unarchive

The unarchive-handler deals with archives of multiple kinds:
  • tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2
  • zip
  • rar
  • xz
  • 7z
and indexes the filenames in the archives. A future version will index also the content of the files in the archives.

9.1.14. barcode

Photo with 3 barcodes
The barcode-handler takes an image (image/jpeg) and searches for barcodes (1D and 2D QR) and lists them in the metadata.

For now you have to manually invoke this handler:

% mtrigger barcode scan *.jpg
for example.

Remember, most handlers are executed with triggers asynchronously, so give it a few moments until you check again with mfind barcodes: for example.

% mfind -l barcodes: | more
       uid: 04b90810a5ccdfb4d0eb1677b36ed0b7af0f591f2f83509053f410e0c74bf15b
      size: 2,771,122 bytes
      mime: image/jpeg
     otime: 2014/07/30 11:25:00.000 (1month 19days 2hrs 22mins 48secs ago)
     ctime: 2014/09/18 13:46:03.379 (1min 45secs ago)
     mtime: 2014/07/30 11:25:00.000 (1month 19days 2hrs 22mins 48secs ago)
     utime: 2014/09/18 13:46:03.524 (1min 45secs ago)
     atime: 2014/09/18 13:46:03.524 (1min 45secs ago)
      hash: 0e9fcf4d5136f042711c031415cc86a0b2062e072bf3cb32b0529bc5c1d5aaac
  barcodes: [ 
            code: 4007873916717            type: EAN-13, 
            code: 4024506266575            type: EAN-13, 
            code: 4024506267428            type: EAN-13 ]
In case you like all photos scanned for barcode, edit conf/metafs.conf, enable "update" line:
"barcode": {
   "update": { "mime": "image/jpeg", "priority": 13, "nice": 20 },
   "scan": { "mime": "image/jpeg", "priority": 13, "nice": 20 }

Note: current barcode-handler is very memory intensive - be aware of it.

9.1.15. Various Other Handlers

  • version: versioning, status: alpha
  • snapshot: fs snapshots, status: pre-alpha
  • sync: syncing to other server(s), status: pre-alpha
  • backup: live backup to server(s), status: pre-alpha
  • journal: create journal (log) of activities, status: pre-alpha

9.2. Writing Handlers

Writing custom handlers is one of the features of MetaFS, please consult the Programming Guide.

10. Configuration

The main configuration is defined via conf/metafs.conf and resides for system-wide use in /var/lib/metafs/ by default, which looks a bit like this - glance over it to get an impression what can be changed:

# -- sample conf file for metafs in JSON, '#' indicates comment
   "verbose": 0,                # 0 = none, 1 = little, 2 = higher, 3 = max

   "backend": "mongo",
   "mongo": {                 # mongodb specific settings
      "type": "shared",         # default "shared", or "dedicated" (running separate mongod for metafs)
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 27017             # if type = "dedicated", choose new port (e.g. 21020)
   # "root": "/var/lib/metafs",  
   # -- encryption isn't available yet
   # "encryption": {
   #    "cipher": "aes",
   #    "status": "on",          # default: off
   # },

   "trash": {
      "status": "on",            # default off, "on" = put deleted items into trash (possibility to undelete)
      "size": "1000000000"       # once trash reaches 1000MB, oldest items will be purged
   "expose": {
     #  "dotmjson": "on",        # expose metadata as .filename.mjson
      "node": "on"               # expode nodes as filename+

   # -- access policy of reserved / mandatory keys, ro = read-only, rw = read/write
   "access": { 
      "_id": "ro",
      "uid": "ro",
      "size": "ro",
      "ctime": "ro",
      "mtime": "rw",          # permit mmeta to alter modification time
      "atime": "ro",
      "utime": "ro",
      "otime": "rw",          # permit mmeta to alter origin time
      "hash": "ro",
      "type": "rw",
      "name": "rw",
      "tags": "rw",
      "parent": "ro",
      "mode": "rw"
   "getdir": {
      "typeMap": {
         "folder": "",
         "node": "+"
      "typeFunction": {
         "folder": "folderOnly",
   "types": {     # types: "number", "decimal", "string", "date", "time", "binary", "octal", "hexadecimal", "umode"
      "size": "number",
      "name": "string",
      "ctime": "date",
      "mtime": "date",
      "atime": "date",
      "utime": "date",
      "otime": "date",
      "mode": "umode",        # UNIX mode (e.g. "-rwxr-xr-x")
   "units": {
      "size": "bytes"

   "queue": {
      "maxPriority": 32,         # max priority, priority 1 (highest), 32 (lowest)
      "nice": 5,                 # set default nice for all triggers
      "order": 1,                # order of execution (1: oldest first / FIFO, -1: newest first / LIFO) 
      "limits": {                # limits for all handlers & triggers (be careful, some handlers like video -> semantics takes minutes)
         # "vmem": 4000,
         # "rmem": 2000,
         # "aspace": 4000,
         # "cpu": 120,

   # -- handlers:
   "handlers": {
      # -- Note: the order matters, set via "priority": e.g. "version"-handler requires proper metadata, 
      #    means the "hash"-handler has to be calculated before

      # "mime": {                              # mime is determined in the core, commented out for now
      #    "priority": 1,                      # executed 1st 
      #    "triggers": {
      #       "update": { "exec": "sync" },       # sync executed, right away
      #    }
      # },

      "hash": {
         "priority": 2,                      # executed 2nd
         "triggers": {
            "update": { "exec": "sync" },       # sync executed, right away
            "fsck": { }

      "text": {
         # "limits": { "cpu": ..., "rmem": ..., "vmem": ... },    # per handler limits
         "triggers": {
            # "something": { "limits": { "cpu": ... }, ... },     # per trigger limits
            "update": { "mime": [ "text/*", "application/octet-stream" ], "priority": 3 },
            "delete": { "mime": [ "text/*", "application/octet-stream" ], "priority": 3 },
            "undelete": { "mime": [ "text/*", "application/octet-stream" ], "priority": 3 }
      "html": { 
         "triggers": {
            "update": { "mime": [ "text/html" ], "priority": 6 },
            "delete": { "mime": [ "text/html" ], "priority": 6 },
            "undelete": { "mime": [ "text/html" ], "priority": 6 } 
      "image": {
         "triggers": {
            "init": { },
            "update": { "mime": [ "image/*", "application/pdf" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 },
            "purge": { "mime": [ "image/*", "application/pdf" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 }
      "video": {
         "triggers": {
            "update": { 
               "limits": { "cpu": -1 },      # ensure unlimited for semantics analysis
               "mime": [ "application/ogg", "video/*" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 
            "delete": { "mime": [ "application/ogg", "video/*" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 },
            "undelete": { "mime": [ "application/ogg", "video/*" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 },
            "purge": { "mime": [ "application/ogg", "video/*" ], "priority": 6, "nice": 10 },
            "explode": { "mime": [ "application/ogg", "video/*" ], "priority": 22, "nice": 20 }

      "audio": {
         "triggers": {
            "update": { "mime": "audio/*", "priority": 6 },
            "delete": { "mime": "audio/*", "priority": 6 },
            "undelete": { "mime": "audio/*", "priority": 6 },
            "purge": { "mime": "audio/*", "priority": 6 }

      "fts": {
         "triggers": {
            "init": { },      
            #"update": { "mime": [ "text/*", "application/octet-stream", "application/pdf" ], "priority": 10, "nice": 10 },
            #"delete": { "mime": [ "text/*", "application/octet-stream", "application/pdf" ], "priority": 10, "nice": 10 },
            "fsck": { },
            "fsinfo": { }

      "pdf": {
         "triggers": {
            "update": { "mime": "application/pdf", "priority": 10 },
            "delete": { "mime": "application/pdf", "priority": 10 },
            "undelete": { "mime": "application/pdf", "priority": 10 }
      "odf": {
         "triggers": {
            "update": { "mime": "application/zip", "priority": 10 },
            "delete": { "mime": "application/zip", "priority": 10 },
            "undelete": { "mime": "application/zip", "priority": 10 }

      "location": {
         "triggers": {
            "init": { }, # "exec": "sync" },
            # "1
            update": { "mime": "image/jpeg", "priority": 12 },
            "fsinfo": { }

      "barcode": {
         "triggers": {
             # "update": { "mime": "image/jpeg", "priority": 13, "nice": 20 }
             "scan": { "mime": "image/jpeg", "priority": 13, "nice": 20 }

      # -- miscellaneous triggers (non item related)

      # "webstat": {   
      #    "triggers": {
      #       "init": { }
      #    }
      # },
      # "webapi": {     # -- no longer exists since 0.038, due support of multi-volumes, now is metaapi
      #    "triggers": {
      #       "init": { }
      #    }
      # },
      "snapshot": {
         "triggers": {
            "fsck": { },
            "fsinfo": { },
            "mksnap": { }                    # we call it via metabusy trigger mksnap 
      # "rss": {
      #    "triggers": {
      #       "init": { }
      #    }
      # }

10.1. Per Volume Configuration

All conf/* can also reside in the volume specific directory, e.g. for volume alpha it is /var/lib/metafs/volumes/alpha/conf and overrides the system-wide configuration.

Best way is, copy the /var/lib/metafs/conf/ configuration files to your volume specific conf/, and alter the settings volume specific.

Note: Since MetaFS is still very experimental, the entire conf/* files are subject of drastic changes - so when you maintain volume specific configuration make sure you keep up with the current configuration form. In other words, keep looking into /var/lib/metafs/conf/* to see what has changed, addded or even removed and adapt those to your volume specific configuration files.

11. Backends

MetaFS is implemented by various components:

11.1. UNIX Filesystem

Once MetaFS is installed system-wide, you find the core at /var/lib/metafs/:

  • conf/
    • metafs.conf: configuration file for metafs
    • and other .conf files specific to triggers
  • handlers/: folder with handlers for different triggers/events and mime-types
  • lib/: files which server as base library (e.g. extension to mime-type mapping, or raw geonames database)
  • volumes/:
    • {volume} (e.g. "alpha")
      • files/ actual content of the files/items
      • thumb/ thumbnails of files/items
      • mongo/: once metabusy backup is used, there the MongoDB / TokuMX dump is saved to
      • elastic/: once metabusy backup is used, there the Elasticsearch index dump is saved to
      • log/: each volume has its own log files
        • access.log, main log file
        • error.log, error log file (watch this!)
        • triggers.log, all trigger related stuff
and in /usr/local/bin:
  • metafs: main program creating a layer of MetaFS on top of the UNIX file system, e.g. metafs alpha Alpha/
  • metabusy: 'busybox'-like perl-script providing mls, mfind, mtag, mcp etc through symbolical links
respectively in /sbin:
  • mount.metafs => /usr/local/bin/metafs
  • umount.metafs => /usr/local/bin/metafs
  • mount.fuse.metafs => /usr/local/bin/metafs
If you are even more interested in the implementation details, look at the source code of metafs itself.

Various metadata backends can be used:

Backend NoSQL Maturity Memory Usage MetaFS Functionality Availability
MongoDB 3.0.x mongo mature high full open source
TokuMX 2.0.x mongo experimental high full open source
PostgreSQL 9.4 pg experimental low limited open source
MetaFS::IndexDB 0.1.x ix experimental low full not available yet

11.2. IndexDB

A volume is mapped to metafs_{volume}, like metafs_alpha:
  • metafs_{volume}.items: metadata of the files
  • metafs_{volume}.trash: metadata of the files in the trash bin
  • metafs_{volume}.triggers_{i}: is the trigger queue, triggers executed as queue (default), whereas i is 1..32
Currently IndexDB is very experimental, yet, it eventually will become default backend storage for MetaFS.

11.3. MongoDB / TokuMX

A volume is mapped to metafs_{volume}, like metafs_alpha:
  • metafs_{volume}.items: metadata of the files
  • metafs_{volume}.trash: metadata of the files in the trash bin
  • metafs_{volume}.triggers_{i}: is the trigger queue, triggers executed as queue (default)
  • metafs_{volume}.fts: full text search index (word -> file(s), file -> word(s)) if fts.engine = 'native'
  • metafs_{volume}.journal: journal populates it for its own purpose
And in either geonames resides shared or locally, location-handler with init-trigger creates this village/city -> lat/long mapping, required for supporting mfind location:city=Somewhere
  • geonames: shared or
  • metafs_{volume}.geonames: dedicated
shared or dedicated is defined in conf/location.conf.

11.3.1. Shared & Dedicated MongoDB / TokuMX

By default MetaFS uses the same MongoDB / TokuMX to store different volumes, you can change this at conf/metafs.conf:
"mongo": {                   # mongodb specific settings
   "type": "shared",         # default "shared", or "dedicated" (running separate mongod for metafs)
   "host": "localhost",
   "port": 27017             # if type = "dedicated", choose new port (e.g. 21020)

11.3.2. Tuning MongoDB on Linux

Consider to read MongoDB Production Notes and act accordingly.

11.3.3. MongoDB vs TokuMX

By default (for now) MongoDB is used as backend metadata database, but TokuMX (2.0.0 or later) is recommended:
MongoDB 2.4/2.6 TokuMX 2.0.0
Insertion Speed 1x 10-20x[1]
Query Speed 1x 10-20x[2]
DB File Size 100% 10-20%

At a later time TokuMX might become default for MetaFS. Other NoSQL databases are constantly reviewed and action has been taken to abstract the metadata handling so flexibility is gained to support other NoSQL databases as well.

  1. according TokuMX documentation
  2. MetaFS volume with 1.5mio items from Wikipedia English (.txt), mfind -ei name:a

11.4. TokuMX Installation

Best download the binary distribution, extract it and start mongod manually, or remove mongodb package first (apt-get remove mongodb) and install the new binaries to /usr/bin:
% cd tokumx-2.0.0*
% sudo cp bin/mongo* /usr/bin/

TokuMX requires tranparent hugepage disabled, run the following line as root and add it to /etc/rc.local:

echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

You can also run multiple different databases at different ports, and add dedicated metafs.conf per volume to use those different databases to compare and benchmark backends.

11.5. PostgreSQL

An experimental PostgreSQL backend is implemented, minimum requirement is PostgreSQL 9.4 to take advantage of the newly available NoSQL features. This backend is not optimized and tends to be slow compared to IndexDB or MongoDB, but is more reliable.

11.6. Elasticsearch

If fts.engine is set to "elastic" in metafs.conf, the is used for full text search (FTS), metafs_{volume} is the name of the index, like metafs_alpha.

Needless to say, don't tamper with Elasticsearch index manually as it will create an inconsistant full text search index. At a later time other full text search (FTS) backends might be added.

12. Updates

Significant updates of this document: Authors

13. Word Index