Table of Content


1. Introduction

Ceci n'est pas une pipe - This is not a pipe

Semantics (from Ancient Greek: semantikos; important) is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotation. (Source: Wikipedia: Semantics)

Semantics in MetaFS is like the 3rd layer in the file system stack, even though it may look trivial, let's make sure what we talk about:

  1. Data: the actual raw data, various file formats, not necessarly human readable (e.g. compressed)
  2. Metadata: data about the raw content, data about data, structure data, machine & human readable
  3. Semantics: interpreted data from the raw data and metadata, usually human readable, preferable machine readable too
For example, a text was written in United Kingdom in 2001, describing events in ancient India, e.g. 500BC.

The metadata might contain the author, the publisher, the date it was written, released and when it was included in the filesystem.

The semantics is about the actual content, the description of events in 500BC in India as in this example, which might even allow one to conclude the coordinates of the locations, entities like persons, tribes, cultures involved: who, what, when, where.

2. Semantic Feeds

The semantics feeds are coming from various sources from within the MetaFS framework:

2.1. Text Feeds

A raw skeleton to analyze text content has been included into the full text indexing/search at MetaFS/, this way even PDFs or ODTs beside of plain texts are analyzed as well: whenever MetaFS::FTS is used (e.g. via handlers/fts, handlers/odf), MetaFS::Semantics framework is included too.

In semantics/* reside the feed receivers which process the stream of texts from MetaFS::Semantics:

  • locations: filter out locations using MetaFS::Geonames, store it in semantics.locations
  • timings: extract time/date information, and store it in semantics.timings
  • entities: recognize entities (individuals, organizations, companies), and store it in semantics.entities
  • quantities: recognize quantities of any kind, and store it in semantics.quantities
  • sentiments: determine the sentiments, and store it in semantics.sentiments
  • topics: determine topics mentioned, and store it in semantics.topics and topics
  • anything: anything else, stores it in semantics.misc.*
  • ...
and the feeds are listed and enabled thereby in conf/semantics.conf (uncomment lines to enable the modules):
   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         #"locations": { },
         #"timings": { }
         #"entities": { },
         #"quantities": { },
         #"sentiments": { },
         #"topics": { },
      "image": { 
         #"barcode": { },
         #"faces": { },
         #"ocr": { },
         #"caption": { },
         #"densecaption": { },
      "audio": { 
         #"music": { },
      "video": { }

Ideally a text is analyzed semantically in one go, e.g. for persons, dates, locations, and even make a true text analysis, make the content machine readable/understandable: who/what/when/where/ etc - which goes into the direction to make content universally stored, and able to translate into other human languages.

  • who & what: entities and objects
  • when: time scale
  • where: location
  • how many: quantities
For a start one can write handlers to analyze for a semantic subset, e.g. semantics/locations as mentioned does a basic lookup of locations, uses some heuristics/pattern matching to do so without actual semantic analysis of the entire text.

2.1.1. Locations

By default Geonames, a geographical database, is integrated in MetaFS, which allows:

  1. location name to GPS coordinate and
  2. GPS coordinate to location name
mapping, which is performed by mfind and mls and -g switch, as well the handlers/location and semantics/locations. Location in Images

Road along Lake of Zug
Geonames has for each place also its aliases, which helps to determine to find a location by name - yet, it introduces ambiguity which needs to be addressed.

For now the place with the largest population is considered, if places are found with the same name. Later also some heuristics are included, where an area, like a country, is set to eliminate or reduce the ambiguities.

By default JPEG photos are analyzed by handlers/image and EXIF metadata are read out and mapped to image.EXIF and further the GPS coordinate mapped so spherical nearby sorting is possible.

Coordinates to location mapping might help a human to determine where an item relates to, yet, for the machine the actual coordinates are more useful.


  • location:
    • body, planetary body, e.g. "Earth", or "Moon" or "Mars".
    • elevation, elevation in meters above sea level
    • lat, latitude in degrees, e.g. 47.15261
    • long, longitude in degrees, e.g. 8.509180
    • city
    • country, two letter abbreviation of country, e.g. "GB", or "US"
% mls -l 20130914_140844.jpg
       uid: 1237cc2db15dcb5c5229129110248d86-54510688-b787fe
      size: 3,517,355 bytes
      mime: image/jpeg
     ctime: 2014/10/29 15:23:52.501 (3days 20hrs 19mins 18secs ago)
     mtime: 2013/09/14 12:08:16.000 (1yr 1month 17days 23hrs 34mins 54secs ago)
     utime: 2014/10/29 15:23:52.671 (3days 20hrs 19mins 17secs ago)
     atime: 2014/10/29 15:23:52.671 (3days 20hrs 19mins 17secs ago)
      mode: rwxr--r--
      hash: f74b72a8cf30087cca26bdacd6d803f884d163930f70f14a6a89c177ae50b18e
        EXIF: {
           Aperture: 2.7
           ApertureValue: 2.6
           BitsPerSample: 8
           GPSAltitude: "477.3 m Above Sea Level"
           GPSAltitude1: "477.3 m"
           GPSAltitudeRef: "Above Sea Level"
           GPSDateStamp: 2013:09:14
           GPSDateTime: "2013:09:14 12:08:16Z"
           GPSLatitude: "47 deg 9' 9.41" N"
           GPSLatitude1: "47 deg 9' 9.41""
           GPSLatitudeRef: North
           GPSLongitude: "8 deg 30' 33.05" E"
           GPSLongitude1: "8 deg 30' 33.05""
           GPSLongitudeRef: East
           GPSPosition: "47 deg 9' 9.41" N, 8 deg 30' 33.05" E"
           GPSTimeStamp: 12:08:16
        body: Earth
        elevation: 477 m
        lat: 47.1526138888889 deg
        long: 8.50918055555556 deg
    parent: 0
        height: 375 px
        mtime: 2014/10/29 15:23:53.979 (3days 20hrs 19mins 16secs ago)
        src: thumb/12/37/cc2db15dcb5c5229129110248d86-54510688-b787fe
        width: 500 px
   version: 1
Using mls with the -g switch lookup the Geonames, and shows (but not sets) nearest known location to that GPS coordinate:
% mls -lg 20130914_140844.jpg
       uid: 1237cc2db15dcb5c5229129110248d86-54510688-b787fe
      size: 3,517,355 bytes
      mime: image/jpeg
     ctime: 2014/10/29 15:23:52.501 (3days 20hrs 19mins 18secs ago)
        body: Earth
        city: Zug
        country: CH
        elevation: 477 m
        lat: 47.1526138888889 deg
        long: 8.50918055555556 deg
         ... Location in Texts

The module semantics/locations parses the text and looks up locations.

Status: inmature (alpha)

Languages: any

There are too many false locations found which are also common english terms.

2.1.2. Entities

Determine which individual or person, organization, company, state or country is involved, also known as named entity (NE).

Status: beta

Languages: any[1]


  • semantics.entities:
    • individual: array of objects each listing individuals, first mention has highest count of mention
    • organization: array of object each listing organization, first mention has highest count of mention
    • company: array of objects each listing company, first mention has highest count of mention
  • text.entities & entities: contains an array with the entities, ordered by count of mention
whereas an entity object has following base keys:
  • name: full qualified name, which implies abbreviations are traced down to the full name, e.g. "UN" -> "United Nations")
  • type: one of individual, organization, company
  • count: count of mentions
  • source: source of the information
  1. Most named entities (NE) are language neutral, yet, some famous persons have language dependent names: en:Plato, de:Platon or en:Plotinus de:Plotin. Individual

The type as individual you may encounter additional keys:
  • birthDate
  • birthPlace
  • deathDate
  • deathPlace
  • description: object with lan and value containing a very brief description
  • subtype: array of types
  • givenName: object with lan and value
  • surName: object with lan and value
Currently about ~4,500 prominent individuals are in the database, from historic figures to present days celebrities:
  • USA: Time Top 100 Most Influential People (2011-2015)
  • UK: The Independent Top 50 Influential People (2016)
  • Global: Top 600 Influential People (of All Time) (2016/04)
  • Global: Top 3,000 Musicians (2016/04)
and more datasets are coming.

Also, the birthPlace and deathPlace will later reference Wikidata, DBpedia geocoords and Geonames as well, so long/lat can be determined as well.


   birthDate: 1910/03/23 12:00:00.000 (106y 0mo 10d 20hr 42m 13s ago)
   birthPlace: "Ota, Tokyo"
   count: 1
   deathDate: 1998/09/06 12:00:00.000 (17y 6mo 27d 20hr 42m 13s ago)
   deathPlace: Setagaya
   description: { 
      lan: en
      value: "Japanese film director, screenwriter, producer, and editor"
   givenName: { 
     lan: en
     value: Akira
   name: "Akira Kurosawa"
   subtype: [ "film producer", screenwriter, "film editor" ]
   surname: { 
      lan: en
      value: Kurosawa
   type: individual
} Organization

The type as organization, currently about 800 organizations are in the database, e.g. prominent non-profit organizations like Amnesty International, WWF, Oxfam, UCLA, etc are recognized via their full names and their abbreviations.


   abbreviation: UNESCO
   count: 1
   name: "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization"
   source: UN
   type: organization
} Company

The type as company you may encounter additional keys which aren't normalized yet, which means, different datasets have overlapping metadata but keys aren't the same yet.

Currently the database consists:

  • Global: Fortune 1000 (2012)
  • Germany: BaFin ~10,000 registered businesses (2016)
and additional, consistent schema and more up-to-date datasets are coming.


   assets: 17.9
   continent: "North America"
   count: 1
   country: "United States"
   industry: "Computer Services"
   marketValue: 159.7
   name: Facebook
   profits: 1.5
   rank: 510
   sales: 7.9000048828125
   sector: "Information Technology"
   source: "Fortune Global 1000 (2012)"
   type: company
   year: 2012

2.1.3. Timings

Determine which time scale is involved, from actual dates and timing, to time ranges.

semantics/timings and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         #"locations": { },
         "timings": { }
         #"entities": { },
         #"quantities": { },
         #"sentiments": { },
         #"topics": { },

Status: beta

Languages: english, german, french, italian


  • semantics.timings, is an array [] which contains individual timings:
    • day, month, year, actual numeric date
    • time, determined time in UNIX epoch (seconds since 1970/01/01, negative number earlier time)
    • margin, in seconds
    • quality, quality of correctness: 0 = uncertain, 1 = reliable, >1 very certain
% more timings.txt
05/13/05, 2006/03/22, April 5th 2014 - and May 6th 1896, 
1st June 1900; and it happened in December of 1760.
10AD or 15 A.D. and 20 B.C., 10,000 BC mammoths roamed on Earth.

% mls -l timings.txt
       uid: 3fdb1f8bf429b7c393c5657245e070e4-54551ace-955221
      size: 175 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     ctime: 2014/11/01 17:39:26.602 (17hrs 40mins 37secs ago)
     mtime: 2014/11/01 19:43:54.029 (15hrs 36mins 9secs ago)
     utime: 2014/11/01 19:43:54.029 (15hrs 36mins 9secs ago)
     atime: 2014/11/02 11:19:48.137 (15secs ago)
      mode: rw-rw-r--
      hash: 6d8d68f4b9d993ed9955e53082392536ed9e7994511ecb9d1881673810be68f4
    parent: 0
        timings: [ {
              day: 13
              margin: 86400
              month: 5
              quality: 0.11
              time: 1115942400
              year: 2005
           }, {
              day: 22
              margin: 86400
              month: 3
              quality: 1.01
              time: 1142985600
              year: 2006
           }, {
              day: 5
              margin: 86400
              month: 4
              quality: 1.36
              time: 1396656000
              year: 2014
           }, {
              day: 6
              margin: 86400
              month: 5
              quality: 1.57
              time: -2324332800
              year: 1896
           }, {
              day: 1
              margin: 86400
              month: 6
              quality: 1.72
              time: -2195942400
              year: 1900
           }, {
              margin: 2635200
              month: 12
              quality: 1.53
              time: -6596812800
              year: 1760
           }, {
              margin: 31536000
              quality: 1.00
              time: -61851600000
              year: 10
           }, {
              margin: 31536000
              quality: 1.90
              time: -61693833600
              year: 15
           }, {
              margin: 31536000
              quality: 2.63
              time: -62766748800
              year: -19
           }, {
              margin: 31536000
              quality: 3.37
              time: -377705116800
              year: -9999
           } ]
        excerpt: "05/13/05, 2006/03/22, April 5th 2014 - and May 6th 1896, 1st June 1900; and it happened in December of 1760.  10AD or 15 A.D. and 20 B.C., 10,000 BC mammoths roamed on Earth."
        language: en
        lines: 3
        uniqueWords: 32
        words: 35
   version: 1
And of course you can search for it:
% mfind semantics.timings.year:2005

% mfind semantics.timings.year:10000BC mammoths
semantics.timings.year AND fts:

2.1.4. Quantities

Determine any amount of anything.

semantics/quantities and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         #"locations": { },
         #"timings": { }
         #"entities": { },
         "quantities": { },
         #"sentiments": { },
         #"topics": { },

Status: beta

Languages: english


  • semantics.quantities, is an array [] which contains individual quantities:
    • quantity, actual amount
    • unit, what unit was recognized (common metric & american unit measurements)
    • kind, if unit wasn't recognized, the kind of quantity is guessed here
    • type, what kind of number it is, e.g. mass, distance etc.
    • quality, quality of correctness: 0 = uncertain, 1 = reliable, >1 very certain
    • margin, is the range quantity +/- margin
    • percent: if number was in percent, e.g. 25% then percent: 25 and quantity: 0.25.
% more quantities.txt
One time, or a dozen eggs, it won't matter because it was the first time; and I told you a dozens times, 12 towels.
In the year of 10,000 BC, it was common to collect water from a nearby source.
If you won over 1,000,000,000 dollars you would be considered rich, where just 0.10 USD, or 10 cents would not be much.
How likely is it, when I would write 10,000,000,000,000,000?
And 3,00,00,000 rupees or 3 crores.
And a special case of some sort, 10,000.50 EUR.
I have zero time, or the budget came close to 0.
0 or 0.0, zero or null.
We have 2.5% increase in market share, or full 10 % or 25 percent expansion.
Further, this item is about 10kg or 20 pounds.
10lb is about 5kg or so?
1l is about 3oz, is this right? Two gallons is about 2x 3.51 liter.
About 3 inches up (3.2" to be exact).

% mls -l quantities.txt
       uid: 304e0581e94356dc158c82cd2876e207-54ce76e1-27664a
      size: 788 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     ctime: 2015/02/01 18:56:33.903 (21hrs 4mins 26secs ago)
     mtime: 2015/02/02 15:40:22.506 (20mins 37secs ago)
     utime: 2015/02/02 15:40:22.506 (20mins 37secs ago)
     atime: 2015/02/02 16:00:40.439 (19secs ago)
      mode: rw-rw-r--
      hash: 284477b4a2c0aa96f088b606b70a3a5665fab6a4d5c3e18563ac467a372766f5
    parent: 0
        quantities: [ { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 1
              type: multiplier
              unit: time
           }, { 
              kind: egg
              quality: 1
              quantity: 12
              type: named
           }, { 
              margin: 12
              quality: 0.9
              quantity: 36
              type: multiplier
              unit: time
           }, { 
              kind: towel
              quality: 1
              quantity: 12
           }, { 
              kind: BC
              quality: 1
              quantity: 10000
           }, { 
              quality: 0.6561
              quantity: 1000000000
              type: currency
              unit: USD
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0.1
              type: currency
              unit: USD
           }, { 
              kind: cent
              quality: 1
              quantity: 10
           }, { 
              quality: 0.531441
              quantity: 10000000000000000
           }, { 
              kind: rupee
              quality: 1
              quantity: 30000000
           }, { 
              kind: crore
              quality: 1
              quantity: 3
           }, { 
              quality: 0.81
              quantity: 10000.5
              type: currency
              unit: EUR
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: multiplier
              unit: time
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: integer
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: integer
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: float
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: named
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: float
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0
              type: named
           }, { 
              kind: increase
              percent: 2.5
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0.025
              type: percent
           }, { 
              percent: 10
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0.1
              type: percent
           }, { 
              kind: percent
              percent: 25
              quality: 1
              quantity: 0.25
              type: percent
           }, { 
              quality: 0.833333333333333
              quantity: 10
              type: mass
              unit: kilogram
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 20
              type: mass
              unit: pound
           }, { 
              quality: 0.833333333333333
              quantity: 10
              type: mass
              unit: pound
           }, { 
              quality: 0.833333333333333
              quantity: 5
              type: mass
              unit: kilogram
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 1
              type: volume
              unit: liter
           }, { 
              quality: 0.833333333333333
              quantity: 3
              type: mass
              unit: ounce
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 2
              type: volume
              unit: gallon
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 2
              type: multiplier
              unit: time
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 3.51
              type: volume
              unit: liter
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 3
              type: distance
              unit: inch
           }, { 
              quality: 1
              quantity: 3.2
              type: distance
              unit: inch
           }, {
              quality: 1
              quantity: 20
              type: currency
              unit: USD
           }, {
              quality: 0.75
              quantity: 21
              type: currency
              unit: USD
           }, {
              quality: 1
              quantity: 22
              type: currency
              unit: USD
           }, {
              quality: 1
              quantity: 99
              type: currency
              unit: EUR
           } ]
        excerpt: "One time, or a dozen eggs, it won't matter because it was the first time; and I told you a dozens times, 12 towels. In th
e year of 10,000 BC, it was common to collect water from a nearby source. If you won over 1,000,000,000 dollars you would be considered ric
h, where just 0.10 USD, or 10 cents would not be much. How likely is it, when I would write 10,000,000,000,000,000? And 3,00,00,000 rupees
or 3 crores. And a special case of some sort, 10,000.50 EUR. I have zero time, or the budget came close to 0. 0 o"
        language: en
        lines: 14
        uniqueWords: 98
        words: 161
   version: 1

2.1.5. Sentiments

Determine the sentiment of the text: positive, negative, neutral or none.

The current implementation uses a lexicon of words and counts their occurency which only allows very basic conclusion of the sentiment, e.g. sarcasm or jokes are not picked up, but indication of negations are picked up.

semantics/sentiments and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         #"locations": { },
         #"timings": { }
         #"entities": { },
         #"quantities": { },
         "sentiments": { },
         #"topics": { },

Status: beta[1]

Languages: english, german

  1. available since 0.4.10, the output of the semantic handler is subject of change, so check back this section frequently


  • semantics.sentiments:
    • polarity:
      • conclusion: positive, negative, neutral (too close to call) or none
      • summary: in percentage (-100% .. 100%), computational summary
    • positive: in percentage (0 .. 100%), positive attitude expressed, positive+negative = 100%
    • negative: in percentage (0 .. 100%), negative attitude expressed
    • negation: in percentage (0 .. 100%), reversing meaning of (part of) a sentence with "not" (e.g. english "didn't")
    • inverse: in percentage (0 .. 100%), inverse meaning of a word with absence of something (e.g. english "clueless")
    • intellectual: in percentage (0 .. 100%), abstract & intellectual
    • analytical: in percentage (0 .. 100%), objective without personal attachment
    • emotional: in percentage (0 .. 100%), subjective, personal and emotional
    • affirmative: in percentage (0 .. 100%), subjective, motivational, more subtle positive
    • poetic: in percentage (0 .. 100%), artistic, aiming for transcendence
    • shallow: in percentage (0 .. 100%), overused term(s), superficiality
    • vulgar: in percentage (0 .. 100%), sub-set of obscenity (e.g. cursing)
    • _quality: in percentage (0 .. 100%), gives an idea of how good the sentiment conclusion is
    • _stats: provides some absolute numbers (not displayed by default, unless -a used with mls) in case you want to calculate your own conclusions
      • _all: total amount of checked words
      • _match: total amount of words which were determined to have sentiments
% mls -a 2600-8.txt
     title: "War and Peace"
    author: "Leo Tolstoy"
       uid: cb397d2091006e3fc698a1bf0666d970-54eb5596-f006f5
      size: 3,226,653 bytes
      mime: text/plain
     otime: 1869/06/15 00:00:00.000 (145yrs 11months 2days 20hrs 29mins 59secs ago)
     ctime: 2015/02/23 16:30:14.706 (2months 24days 3hrs 59mins 44secs ago)
     mtime: 1869/06/15 00:00:00.000 (145yrs 11months 2days 20hrs 29mins 59secs ago)
     utime: 2015/02/23 16:34:05.915 (2months 24days 3hrs 55mins 53secs ago)
     atime: 2015/02/25 14:05:24.166 (2months 22days 6hrs 24mins 34secs ago)
        sentiments: { 
           _quality: 56.02%
           _stats: { 
              _all: 566033
              _match: 31708
              affirmative: 2797
              analytical: 219
              emotional: 5573
              intellectual: 1847
              negative: 15933
              poetic: 676
              positive: 15783
              shallow: 207
           affirmative: 72.13%
           analytical: 4.04%
           emotional: 100.00%
           intellectual: 30.18%
           negative: 50.24%
           poetic: 12.58%
           polarity: { 
              conclusion: neutral
              summary: -0.47%
           positive: 49.76%
           shallow: 3.61%
        author: "Leo Tolstoy"
        ctime: 1805/06/15 00:00:00.000 (209yrs 11months 2days 20hrs 22mins 53secs ago)
        encoding: ascii
        excerpt: "The Project Gutenberg EBook of War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: War and Peace Author: Leo Tolstoy Translators: Louise and Aylmer Maude Posting Date: January 10, 2009 [EBook #2600] Last Updated: March 15, 2013 Language: English Character set encoding:"
        language: en
        lines: 65,008
        mtime: 1869/06/15 00:00:00.000 (145yrs 11months 2days 20hrs 22mins 53secs ago)
        rtime: 1869/06/15 00:00:00.000 (145yrs 11months 2days 20hrs 22mins 53secs ago)
        title: "War and Peace"
        uniqueWords: 17,115
        words: 555,062

2.1.6. Topics

Determine the topics which are covered in the text.

The current implementation uses a hierarchical lexicon of words and topics, for example:

  • science
    • physics
      • astrophysics
        • dark matter
Currently 2-3 layers are defined:
  1. layer: ~60 topics
  2. layer: 0-10 sub(1)-topics
  3. layer: 0-3 sub(2)-topics
with about total of ~600 topics counting all layers.

semantics/topics and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         #"locations": { },
         #"timings": { }
         #"entities": { },
         #"quantities": { },
         #"sentiments": { },
         "topics": { },

Status: beta[1]


  • full: english, german
  • partial: french, italian, japanese, chinese
  1. available since 0.5.3, the output of this hander is subject of change, so check back this section frequently


  • semantics.topics:
    • art
    • ...
    • love
    • ...
    • science
    • ...
    • war
    • ...
    • zoology
All values are normalized, e.g. the highest is 1.0 and all others are scaled accordingly.

  • semantics.topics._stats:
    • all: all words
    • match: words which lead to topic determination(s)
% mls -a 2600-8.txt
     title: "War and Peace"
     semantics: {
       topics: { 
           analysis: 0.00210378681626928
           animal: 0.104488078541374
           art: 0.0406732117812062
           authenticity: 0.000701262272089762
           commerce: 0.350631136044881
           computer: 0.00140252454417952     **) because of the Gutenberg header & footer
           data: 0.000701262272089762
           economics: 0.768583450210379
           education: 0.02945301542777
           emotion: 0.76367461430575
           entertainment: 0.0238429172510519
           family: 0.800841514726508
           flora: 0.00841514726507714
           food: 0.376577840112202
           fruit: 0.00561009817671809
           geography: 0.0476858345021038
           government: 0.0399719495091164
           health: 0.165497896213184
           history: 0.103786816269285
           industry: 0.000701262272089762
           judaism: 0.0091164095371669
           jurisdiction: 0.0539971949509116
           law: 0.0518934081346424
           library: 0.00420757363253857
           literature: 0.0722300140252454
           love: 0.29523141654979
           measurement: 0.0406732117812062
           media: 0.0666199158485273
           music: 0.0890603085553997
           nature: 0.164796633941094
           peace: 0.0715287517531557
           physics: 0.0119214586255259
           politics: 0.398316970546985
           psychology: 0.0336605890603086
           relationship: 1
           religion: 0.240532959326788
           restaurant: 0.00140252454417952
           science: 0.229312762973352
           shelter: 0.255960729312763
           spirituality: 0.187938288920056
           sport: 0.00210378681626928
           time: 0.748948106591865
           transportation: 0.0161290322580645
           war: 0.192847124824684
for sake of readability, the top topics of "War & Peace":
  • relationship: 1
  • family: 0.800841514726508
  • economics: 0.768583450210379
  • emotion: 0.76367461430575
  • time: 0.748948106591865
  • politics: 0.398316970546985
  • food: 0.376577840112202
  • commerce: 0.350631136044881
  • love: 0.29523141654979
  • shelter: 0.258765778401122
  • religion: 0.240532959326788
  • science: 0.229312762973352
  • war: 0.192847124824684
  • spirituality: 0.187938288920056
  • health: 0.165497896213184
  • nature: 0.164796633941094
  • animal: 0.104488078541374
  • history: 0.103786816269285
and for sake of simplicity text.topics gets an array of the topics which reach 10% at least:
   topics: [ relationship, economics, emotion, time, politics, food, commerce, love, shelter, religion, .. ]

2.1.7. Anything (Else)

Determine anything else possible which are covered in the text:

  • email addresses (e.g. [email protected])
  • phone numbers (e.g, (605) 134 124 4565)
  • URIs/URLs or web links (e.g.,,
  • Internet domain names (e.g.
  • IPv4 addresses (e.g.
  • IPv4 networks (e.g.
  • IPv6 addresses
The functionality is covered by semantics/anything and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "text": {
         "anything": { }.

Status: alpha

Languages: any


  • semantics
    • misc
      • domain: array with domain names
      • email: array with email addressed
      • ipv4: array with IPv4 addresses
      • ipv4-net: array with IPv4 networks
      • ipv6: array with IPv6 addresses
      • phone: array of phone numbers
      • uri: array of URIs/URLs (https://, http://, ftp:// etc)
% cat example.txt
My ip is, on the
A web-site is and is a domain name.
Link is or just
+22 607 123 4567  
+22 6071234567  
(302) 1234567
(302) 123 4567
(0609) 123 4567

Example: Telephone: National (0609) 123 4567
International +22 609 123 4567
E-mail: [email protected]
gives then
% mls -l example.txt
        misc: { 
           domain: [ ]
           email: [ [email protected] ]
           ipv4: [ ]
           ipv4-net: [ ]
           ipv6: [ 2001:e6:8b:7f:9db4:c0dd:559c:1296 ]
           phone: [ +226071234567, 3021234567, 06091234567, +226091234567 ]
           uri: [,, 
        , ]
each kind (domain, email etc) is listed with most frequent one mentioned first in descending order then.
% mfind
# lists all phone numbers in all items

2.2. Audio Feeds

In the planning is an audio feed infrastructure, which analyzes the audio stream further:

  • auto classify audio content (e.g. music, voice, spoken words, rain, waves, city noise, applause etc):
    • music: autodetect music style
    • spoken words: voice recognition and transcription and feeding then into Text feed

2.2.1. Music

Analyze audio in regards of music, low-level & high-level conclusions using Essentia.

semantics/music and enabled in conf/semantics.conf:

   "feeds": {
      "audio": {
         "music": { }

Status: alpha


  • audio.type: voice, music
  • audio.subtype: in case audio.type = music then subtype is set either vocal, instrumental
  • audio.topics: array of topics, when audio.type = music, then genres are included e.g. jazz, or dance music plus music, due to mapping copied to topics
  • contains low-level conclusions:
    • lowlevel: various bands and their mean, variance, min, max, median, etc
    • rhythm
      • beats_count: integer
      • bpm: integer (e.g. 120)
      • many more (see example below)
    • tonal
      • chords_key: chords key (e.g. B)
      • chords_scale: chords scale (e.g. minor)
      • key_key: key key (e.g. A)
      • key_scale: key scale (e.g. minor)
      • some more (see example below)
  • contains high-level conclusions:
    • danceability: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • gender: value (male,female), all.* , probability (0..1)
    • genre_dortmund: value (alternative, blues, electronic, folkcountry, funksoulrnb, jazz, pop, raphiphop, rock), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • genre_electronic: value (ambient, dnb, house, techno, trance), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • genre_rosamerica: value (classic, dance, hiphop, jazz, pop, rhythm, rock, speech), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • genre_tzanetakis: value (blues, classic, country, disco, hiphop, jazz, metal, pop, reggae, rock), all.*, probability` (0..1)
    • genres: array of strings: simplified genres conclusion based on genre_*
    • mood_acoustic: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_aggressive: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_electronic: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_happy: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_party: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_relaxed: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_sad: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • mood_mirex: value (0..1), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • timbre: value (dark, light), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • tonal_atonal: value (tonal, atonal), all.*, probability (0..1)
    • voice_instrumental: value (voice, instrumental), all.*, probability (0..1)
% mls -l "Steve Reich - Piano Phase (Peter Aidu) CC BY NC ND.mp3"
Steve Reich - Piano Phase (Peter Aidu) CC BY NC ND.mp3
     title: "Piano Phase"
    author: "Steve Reich"
       uid: 01d4d8410a6cc78c1093d21934d8b7a8-554f8233-4e7ad1
      size: 41,982,080 bytes
      mime: audio/mp3
     otime: 2015/05/10 16:07:15.553 (10mo 21d 18hr 57m 22s ago)
     ctime: 2015/05/10 16:07:15.553 (10mo 21d 18hr 57m 22s ago)
     mtime: 2015/05/10 16:07:16.784 (10mo 21d 18hr 57m 21s ago)
     utime: 2015/05/10 16:07:16.784 (10mo 21d 18hr 57m 21s ago)
     atime: 2016/03/30 13:49:59.912 (21hr 14m 38s ago)
      mode: rw-rw-r--
      hash: d952b9c13f5ea5817142c3b0a7107a1aaffb3f1f4194e43264f1d8af383ea1e7
        album: "Performed By Peter Aidu"
        artist: "Steve Reich"
        bitrate: 256 kbps
        bits: s16p
        channels: 2
        codec: mp3
        composer: "Steve Reich"
        date: 2006
        duration: 21m 51s 839ms 999us
        freq: 44100 Hz
        genre: "Top 40"
        music: { 
           lowlevel: { 
              average_loudness: 0.925695002079
              barkbands: { 
                 dmean: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dmean2: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar2: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 max: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 median: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 min: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 var: [ (27 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              barkbands_crest: { 
                 dmean: 2.94369053841
                 dmean2: 4.46142101288
                 dvar: 6.5581817627
                 dvar2: 14.5855989456
                 max: 26.0690765381
                 mean: 14.9501657486
                 median: 14.7574882507
                 min: 4.22292280197
                 var: 19.5916576385
              barkbands_flatness_db: { 
                 dmean: 0.0299068912864
                 dmean2: 0.0444543585181
                 dvar: 0.000623150088359
                 dvar2: 0.00137673341669
                 max: 0.450355470181
                 mean: 0.296239674091
                 median: 0.295395195484
                 min: 0.0565141253173
                 var: 0.00178648624569
              barkbands_kurtosis: { 
                 dmean: 3.5750477314
                 dmean2: 5.09892034531
                 dvar: 20.4563789368
                 dvar2: 44.4730186462
                 max: 143.617675781
                 mean: 6.6599316597
                 median: 4.89509010315
                 min: -1.71882581711
                 var: 42.3391227722
              barkbands_skewness: { 
                 dmean: 0.542728900909
                 dmean2: 0.763101220131
                 dvar: 0.239111468196
                 dvar2: 0.496850669384
                 max: 10.2441120148
                 mean: 2.03178358078
                 median: 1.94568753242
                 min: -2.18476462364
                 var: 0.912294447422
              barkbands_spread: { 
                 dmean: 1.66640841961
                 dmean2: 2.34865403175
                 dvar: 2.52173614502
                 dvar2: 5.1397600174
                 max: 90.6297073364
                 mean: 5.89157438278
                 median: 5.4490275383
                 min: 0.49585416913
                 var: 7.96861839294
              dissonance: { 
                 dmean: 0.0394434668124
                 dmean2: 0.065661534667
                 dvar: 0.00100412336178
                 dvar2: 0.00264997780323
                 max: 0.500000119209
                 mean: 0.420009404421
                 median: 0.425072610378
                 min: 0.215025812387
                 var: 0.00195338553749
              dynamic_complexity: 1.82814645767
              erbbands: { 
                 dmean: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dmean2: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar2: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 max: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 median: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 min: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 var: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              erbbands_crest: { 
                 dmean: 3.49540495872
                 dmean2: 5.20434761047
                 dvar: 9.68736171722
                 dvar2: 21.1039962769
                 max: 32.6554107666
                 mean: 15.2166643143
                 median: 14.3832149506
                 min: 2.32455229759
                 var: 28.3376255035
              erbbands_flatness_db: { 
                 dmean: 0.0220952890813
                 dmean2: 0.0323972664773
                 dvar: 0.000377194897737
                 dvar2: 0.000836176914163
                 max: 0.487487435341
                 mean: 0.347621738911
                 median: 0.346568644047
                 min: 0.0317416600883
                 var: 0.00113889982458
              erbbands_kurtosis: { 
                 dmean: 1.78288781643
                 dmean2: 2.61191797256
                 dvar: 7.15134906769
                 dvar2: 16.1770362854
                 max: 52.6374702454
                 mean: 1.87824308872
                 median: 0.899592995644
                 min: -1.59245753288
                 var: 10.8775672913
              erbbands_skewness: { 
                 dmean: 0.458157628775
                 dmean2: 0.629544734955
                 dvar: 0.186897590756
                 dvar2: 0.386262387037
                 max: 6.14682388306
                 mean: 1.33020722866
                 median: 1.24992978573
                 min: -0.936230123043
                 var: 0.565770804882
              erbbands_spread: { 
                 dmean: 2.98860120773
                 dmean2: 4.21634864807
                 dvar: 7.09555387497
                 dvar2: 14.7085018158
                 max: 94.205871582
                 mean: 14.4037466049
                 median: 14.113401413
                 min: 1.25244212151
                 var: 24.2831325531
              gfcc: { 
                 cov: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 icov: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              hfc: { 
                 dmean: 4.67422819138
                 dmean2: 6.24417066574
                 dvar: 21.60679245
                 dvar2: 34.7036552429
                 max: 63.8779029846
                 mean: 14.3435297012
                 median: 12.647851944
                 min: 1.06481590443e-16
                 var: 71.4941864014
              melbands: { 
                 dmean: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dmean2: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar2: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 max: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 median: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 min: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 var: [ (40 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              melbands_crest: { 
                 dmean: 3.42468547821
                 dmean2: 4.9977645874
                 dvar: 9.1639623642
                 dvar2: 19.1654338837
                 max: 36.6484870911
                 mean: 18.1512069702
                 median: 17.8321762085
                 min: 1.55522847176
                 var: 30.0810985565
              melbands_flatness_db: { 
                 dmean: 0.030998038128
                 dmean2: 0.0437672883272
                 dvar: 0.000741396099329
                 dvar2: 0.00153598736506
                 max: 0.543959259987
                 mean: 0.346526265144
                 median: 0.345663249493
                 min: 0.00225630798377
                 var: 0.0025197272189
              melbands_kurtosis: { 
                 dmean: 4.82699251175
                 dmean2: 6.76445484161
                 dvar: 31.7788772583
                 dvar2: 65.9468231201
                 max: 332.495819092
                 mean: 11.2524194717
                 median: 8.68552684784
                 min: -1.43102526665
                 var: 87.300819397
              melbands_skewness: { 
                 dmean: 0.584214389324
                 dmean2: 0.840184092522
                 dvar: 0.256059914827
                 dvar2: 0.531447708607
                 max: 16.3215503693
                 mean: 2.37672376633
                 median: 2.22872877121
                 min: -1.99499964714
                 var: 1.07559144497
              melbands_spread: { 
                 dmean: 2.45078468323
                 dmean2: 3.47049570084
                 dvar: 6.84285163879
                 dvar2: 14.4537353516
                 max: 172.390197754
                 mean: 7.95252227783
                 median: 6.91847801208
                 min: 0.797653853893
                 var: 47.1175498962
              mfcc: { 
                 cov: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 icov: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (13 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              pitch_salience: { 
                 dmean: 0.0818029046059
                 dmean2: 0.124306641519
                 dvar: 0.00508857006207
                 dvar2: 0.0120951142162
                 max: 0.910317420959
                 mean: 0.461013376713
                 median: 0.466842651367
                 min: 0.111582882702
                 var: 0.0117951938882
              silence_rate_20dB: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 1
                 mean: 1
                 median: 1
                 min: 1
                 var: 0
              silence_rate_30dB: { 
                 dmean: 0.000141605458339
                 dmean2: 0.000283215922536
                 dvar: 0.000141569325933
                 dvar2: 0.00035387542448
                 max: 1
                 mean: 0.999893784523
                 median: 1
                 min: 0
                 var: 0.000106181883893
              silence_rate_60dB: { 
                 dmean: 0.00814231391996
                 dmean2: 0.0162849146873
                 dvar: 0.00807470083237
                 dvar2: 0.0220325943083
                 max: 1
                 mean: 0.0096289999783
                 median: 0
                 min: 0
                 var: 0.00953513197601
              spectral_centroid: { 
                 dmean: 87.5597839355
                 dmean2: 119.984115601
                 dvar: 10239.3818359
                 dvar2: 17738.5039062
                 max: 11869.3505859
                 mean: 716.632751465
                 median: 667.876708984
                 min: 368.194824219
                 var: 239087.765625
              spectral_complexity: { 
                 dmean: 2.48737049103
                 dmean2: 3.87276530266
                 dvar: 4.57307481766
                 dvar2: 10.4600219727
                 max: 24
                 mean: 12.2173423767
                 median: 12
                 min: 0
                 var: 11.9558839798
              spectral_contrast_coeffs: { 
                 dmean: [ 0.054396186024, 0.056784786284, 0.0553359501064, 0.0487522408366, 0.0386201962829, 0.0356222726405 ]
                 dmean2: [ 0.0903772115707, 0.0859997868538, 0.0794095993042, 0.0702532380819, 0.0550463050604, 0.0594452433288 ]
                 dvar: [ 0.0018943491159, 0.00206890888512, 0.00181400275324, 0.00136550655589, 0.000944632804021, 0.000766674871556 ]
                 dvar2: [ 0.00502015836537, 0.00488488189876, 0.00415096664801, 0.00306652253494, 0.00214447337203, 0.00210365816019 ]
                 max: [ -0.435881018639, -0.351954758167, -0.491515010595, -0.520375788212, -0.540093421936, -0.583474099636 ]
                 mean: [ -0.732539534569, -0.623265564442, -0.678845763206, -0.692252933979, -0.672179102898, -0.708545088768 ]
                 median: [ -0.738857030869, -0.622223973274, -0.671748399734, -0.687526106834, -0.668939590454, -0.705983996391 ]
                 min: [ -0.975317180157, -0.978323996067, -0.974145889282, -0.97056466341, -0.9664747715, -0.965667009354 ]
                 var: [ 0.00292662275024, 0.00608438113704, 0.00439775642008, 0.00346492463723, 0.00233397795819, 0.00185355939902 ]
              spectral_contrast_valleys: { 
                 dmean: [ 0.479829221964, 0.390135318041, 0.496649414301, 0.520079314709, 0.477819919586, 0.519004821777 ]
                 dmean2: [ 0.814740717411, 0.627313375473, 0.7742228508, 0.831680357456, 0.762820839882, 0.899156212807 ]
                 dvar: [ 0.135661691427, 0.104765444994, 0.162084922194, 0.188619360328, 0.190813884139, 0.155369132757 ]
                 dvar2: [ 0.381135702133, 0.257504224777, 0.379043221474, 0.436531692743, 0.437884032726, 0.457125335932 ]
                 max: [ -6.96531963348, -4.65652084351, -5.95921325684, -7.13980722427, -7.75438404083, -11.7369766235 ]
                 mean: [ -8.56407260895, -6.31538391113, -7.85677671432, -8.8458070755, -9.71186161041, -13.9126777649 ]
                 median: [ -8.50623321533, -6.21360683441, -7.88212203979, -8.93719863892, -9.76709938049, -13.8851184845 ]
                 min: [ -28.0805721283, -28.1592617035, -27.7338962555, -27.6636581421, -27.5679187775, -27.3784599304 ]
                 var: [ 0.946418642998, 1.22726345062, 1.10144019127, 1.01924014091, 0.970853984356, 0.631978809834 ]
              spectral_decrease: { 
                 dmean: 2.01943328726e-09
                 dmean2: 2.69653455121e-09
                 dvar: 3.95295015001e-18
                 dvar2: 6.04363219104e-18
                 max: 1.88535108194e-28
                 mean: -6.1445368793e-09
                 median: -5.2166297948e-09
                 min: -3.00344460413e-08
                 var: 1.5339245551e-17
              spectral_energy: { 
                 dmean: 0.00803258176893
                 dmean2: 0.0107271205634
                 dvar: 6.25493048574e-05
                 dvar2: 9.58077362156e-05
                 max: 0.119014687836
                 mean: 0.0244918558747
                 median: 0.0208303369582
                 min: 9.81100668415e-21
                 var: 0.000240712222876
              spectral_energyband_high: { 
                 dmean: 1.14814965855e-05
                 dmean2: 1.67500456882e-05
                 dvar: 2.87317031278e-10
                 dvar2: 6.44342190714e-10
                 max: 0.000340172147844
                 mean: 1.76608136826e-05
                 median: 1.01214191091e-05
                 min: 7.16081774455e-21
                 var: 4.49325326946e-10
              spectral_energyband_low: { 
                 dmean: 0.000159361370606
                 dmean2: 0.000287003989797
                 dvar: 3.17806900796e-08
                 dvar2: 9.42214839483e-08
                 max: 0.00245738402009
                 mean: 0.000215709107579
                 median: 0.00016997687635
                 min: 1.25786285252e-23
                 var: 3.04360163739e-08
              spectral_energyband_middle_high: { 
                 dmean: 0.00127523066476
                 dmean2: 0.00165204878431
                 dvar: 1.4424707615e-06
                 dvar2: 2.40838789978e-06
                 max: 0.0201237853616
                 mean: 0.00319125154056
                 median: 0.00280923349783
                 min: 1.11460356012e-21
                 var: 4.47058573627e-06
              spectral_energyband_middle_low: { 
                 dmean: 0.0073188864626
                 dmean2: 0.00979659333825
                 dvar: 5.26634248672e-05
                 dvar2: 8.06913303677e-05
                 max: 0.110583037138
                 mean: 0.0210869759321
                 median: 0.0174677595496
                 min: 1.4934325907e-22
                 var: 0.000210061785765
              spectral_entropy: { 
                 dmean: 0.290916055441
                 dmean2: 0.437024384737
                 dvar: 0.0647541210055
                 dvar2: 0.148354664445
                 max: 9.82836818695
                 mean: 6.13301610947
                 median: 6.11883163452
                 min: 4.60126018524
                 var: 0.163198456168
              spectral_flux: { 
                 dmean: 0.0266662314534
                 dmean2: 0.0432589538395
                 dvar: 0.000586820184253
                 dvar2: 0.00147169071715
                 max: 0.216080963612
                 mean: 0.0615980401635
                 median: 0.0552456825972
                 min: 6.46684719663e-11
                 var: 0.00080350326607
              spectral_kurtosis: { 
                 dmean: 13.9591932297
                 dmean2: 24.0816326141
                 dvar: 120.225746155
                 dvar2: 334.568847656
                 max: 111.228759766
                 mean: 24.7822151184
                 median: 22.7179946899
                 min: -1.25464367867
                 var: 211.891326904
              spectral_rms: { 
                 dmean: 0.000824577815365
                 dmean2: 0.00109823490493
                 dvar: 5.25610857949e-07
                 dvar2: 8.54494999203e-07
                 max: 0.0107755232602
                 mean: 0.00464827241376
                 median: 0.00450802408159
                 min: 3.09381860408e-12
                 var: 2.28780663747e-06
              spectral_rolloff: { 
                 dmean: 159.041732788
                 dmean2: 269.232055664
                 dvar: 51954.5585938
                 dvar2: 96328.6015625
                 max: 19896.6796875
                 mean: 836.68951416
                 median: 667.529296875
                 min: 43.06640625
                 var: 730103.8125
              spectral_skewness: { 
                 dmean: 0.971424102783
                 dmean2: 1.66908943653
                 dvar: 0.566607236862
                 dvar2: 1.58781993389
                 max: 7.92422246933
                 mean: 3.06488585472
                 median: 2.92034959793
                 min: -0.0592750497162
                 var: 1.04196071625
              spectral_spread: { 
                 dmean: 236038.078125
                 dmean2: 400208.40625
                 dvar: 72183259136
                 dvar2: 172841123840
                 max: 42763092
                 mean: 1624062.5
                 median: 1526979.25
                 min: 756934.875
                 var: 3062831775740
              spectral_strongpeak: { 
                 dmean: 0.54787504673
                 dmean2: 0.831824302673
                 dvar: 0.242844969034
                 dvar2: 0.55290210247
                 max: 6.88345193863
                 mean: 1.65031790733
                 median: 1.556240201
                 min: 0
                 var: 0.593433380127
              zerocrossingrate: { 
                 dmean: 0.00362481945194
                 dmean2: 0.00421246513724
                 dvar: 1.45112262544e-05
                 dvar2: 2.14392402995e-05
                 max: 0.53369140625
                 mean: 0.0322238057852
                 median: 0.0302734375
                 min: 0.00634765625
                 var: 0.000495079322718
           metadata: { 
              audio_properties: { 
                 analysis_sample_rate: 44100
                 bit_rate: 256000
                 codec: mp3
                 downmix: mix
                 equal_loudness: 0
                 length: 1311.80004883
                 lossless: 0
                 md5_encoded: 9b892a44e939c9eb90f4a9cc1d50ed2d
                 replay_gain: -9.39375686646
                 sample_rate: 44100
              tags: { 
                 album: [ "Performed By Peter Aidu" ]
                 artist: [ "Steve Reich" ]
                 composer: [ "Steve Reich" ]
                 copyright: [ ]
                 date: [ 2006 ]
                 file_name: semantics-audio-550.mp3
                 genre: [ "Top 40" ]
                 originalartist: [ "Peter Aidu" ]
                 title: [ "Piano Phase" ]
                 tracknumber: [ 01 ]
              version: { 
                 essentia: 2.1-dev
                 essentia_git_sha: v2.1_beta2-546-g5c457ef
                 extractor: "music 1.0"
           rhythm: { 
              beats_count: 2463
              beats_loudness: { 
                 dmean: 0.0179563648999
                 dmean2: 0.0333242341876
                 dvar: 0.000226015123189
                 dvar2: 0.00073919724673
                 max: 0.0945534706116
                 mean: 0.0379543863237
                 median: 0.0369717404246
                 min: 0
                 var: 0.000345416949131
              beats_loudness_band_ratio: { 
                 dmean: [ 0.00750549370423, 0.21002805233, 0.22637359798, 0.0720228031278, 0.0283288005739, 0.00163986429106 ]
                 dmean2: [ 0.0133513770998, 0.379802852869, 0.409733772278, 0.129874393344, 0.0510574877262, 0.00303960777819 ]
                 dvar: [ 0.000420945638325, 0.0504310056567, 0.0418756566942, 0.00644164951518, 0.000999483396299, 5.21423717146e-05 ]
                 dvar2: [ 0.000674751412589, 0.140772014856, 0.128064870834, 0.0190104972571, 0.0029909638688, 0.000154868946993 ]
                 max: [ 0.938217043877, 0.947048425674, 0.972053587437, 0.639287173748, 0.201607108116, 0.248814970255 ]
                 mean: [ 0.00992429535836, 0.256003320217, 0.593388080597, 0.105982348323, 0.0400565005839, 0.0017563670408 ]
                 median: [ 0.00638280482963, 0.174540489912, 0.625302791595, 0.0763846412301, 0.0283908136189, 0.00105774798431 ]
                 min: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
                 var: [ 0.00088919576956, 0.0660892874002, 0.065583281219, 0.00652189506218, 0.00101367046591, 2.85144360532e-05 ]
              beats_position: [ (2463 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              bpm: 103.032539368
              bpm_histogram_first_peak_bpm: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 103
                 mean: 103
                 median: 103
                 min: 103
                 var: 0
              bpm_histogram_first_peak_spread: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 0.571147561073
                 mean: 0.571147561073
                 median: 0.571147561073
                 min: 0.571147561073
                 var: 0
              bpm_histogram_first_peak_weight: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 0.265637695789
                 mean: 0.265637695789
                 median: 0.265637695789
                 min: 0.265637695789
                 var: 0
              bpm_histogram_second_peak_bpm: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 136
                 mean: 136
                 median: 136
                 min: 136
                 var: 0
              bpm_histogram_second_peak_spread: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 0.475195765495
                 mean: 0.475195765495
                 median: 0.475195765495
                 min: 0.475195765495
                 var: 0
              bpm_histogram_second_peak_weight: { 
                 dmean: 0
                 dmean2: 0
                 dvar: 0
                 dvar2: 0
                 max: 0.16328188777
                 mean: 0.16328188777
                 median: 0.16328188777
                 min: 0.16328188777
                 var: 0
              danceability: 1.72440755367
              onset_rate: 6.25465488434
           tonal: { 
              chords_changes_rate: 0.0762858837843
              chords_histogram: [ (24 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              chords_key: B
              chords_number_rate: 0.000283195869997
              chords_scale: minor
              chords_strength: { 
                 dmean: 0.00910614430904
                 dmean2: 0.00837888289243
                 dvar: 0.000121090255561
                 dvar2: 0.000176163026481
                 max: 0.620911002159
                 mean: 0.379478245974
                 median: 0.378020852804
                 min: -1
                 var: 0.00443325703964
              hpcp: { 
                 dmean: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dmean2: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 dvar2: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 max: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 mean: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 median: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 min: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
                 var: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              hpcp_entropy: { 
                 dmean: 0.495416849852
                 dmean2: 0.845125496387
                 dvar: 0.178825318813
                 dvar2: 0.442450493574
                 max: 3.83842778206
                 mean: 1.44639492035
                 median: 1.47766041756
                 min: 0
                 var: 0.2716819942
              key_key: A
              key_scale: major
              key_strength: 0.651561141014
              thpcp: [ (36 entries, hidden due verbosity) ]
              tuning_diatonic_strength: 0.48633441329
              tuning_equal_tempered_deviation: 0.0262556560338
              tuning_frequency: 441.272583008
              tuning_nontempered_energy_ratio: 0.614290952682
        title: "Piano Phase"
        topics: [ "classic music", music ]
        track: 1
        type: instrumental
    parent: 0
        music: { 
           danceability: { 
              all: { 
                 danceable: 0.384699106216
                 not_danceable: 0.615300893784
              probability: 0.615300893784
              value: not_danceable
           gender: { 
              all: { 
                 female: 0.681343138218
                 male: 0.318656891584
              probability: 0.681343138218
              value: female
           genre_dortmund: { 
              all: { 
                 alternative: 1.75088842215e-14
                 blues: 2.19690717305e-14
                 electronic: 0.999999761581
                 folkcountry: 1.99247711663e-08
                 funksoulrnb: 2.11183390775e-08
                 jazz: 7.37540517548e-08
                 pop: 1.54389478979e-08
                 raphiphop: 2.69289355259e-08
                 rock: 9.49514031845e-08
              probability: 0.999999761581
              value: electronic
           genre_electronic: { 
              all: { 
                 ambient: 0.524040281773
                 dnb: 0.00544915115461
                 house: 0.00972663983703
                 techno: 0.176116213202
                 trance: 0.284667730331
              probability: 0.524040281773
              value: ambient
           genre_rosamerica: { 
              all: { 
                 classic: 0.902020812035
                 dance: 0.000613401585724
                 hiphop: 0.00119478185661
                 jazz: 0.07280382514
                 pop: 0.00220838258974
                 rhythm: 0.00480810552835
                 rock: 0.00106021226384
                 speech: 0.0152904745191
              probability: 0.902020812035
              value: classic
           genre_tzanetakis: { 
              all: { 
                 blues: 1.35028385557e-05
                 classic: 0.994520246983
                 country: 3.5524051782e-05
                 disco: 6.03901316936e-05
                 hiphop: 4.26378319389e-05
                 jazz: 0.00414598593488
                 metal: 0.000469279184472
                 pop: 7.73572683102e-05
                 reggae: 0.000606844085269
                 rock: 2.82329619949e-05
              probability: 0.994520246983
              value: classic
           genres: [ classic ]
           ismir04_rhythm: { 
              all: { 
                 ChaChaCha: 0.00211339956149
                 Jive: 1.12965535664e-05
                 Quickstep: 1.00819661384e-05
                 Rumba-American: 6.69943765388e-05
                 Rumba-International: 9.81816083367e-06
                 Rumba-Misc: 1.71968204086e-05
                 Samba: 2.17401247937e-05
                 Tango: 0.00592390680686
                 VienneseWaltz: 0.991786181927
                 Waltz: 3.93591981265e-05
              probability: 0.991786181927
              value: VienneseWaltz
           mood_acoustic: { 
              all: { 
                 acoustic: 0.939262628555
                 not_acoustic: 0.0607373453677
              probability: 0.939262628555
              value: acoustic
           mood_aggressive: { 
              all: { 
                 aggressive: 0.085307829082
                 not_aggressive: 0.914692163467
              probability: 0.914692163467
              value: not_aggressive
           mood_electronic: { 
              all: { 
                 electronic: 0.973170936108
                 not_electronic: 0.0268290601671
              probability: 0.973170936108
              value: electronic
           mood_happy: { 
              all: { 
                 happy: 0.333162933588
                 not_happy: 0.66683703661
              probability: 0.66683703661
              value: not_happy
           mood_party: { 
              all: { 
                 not_party: 0.995642364025
                 party: 0.00435766298324
              probability: 0.995642364025
              value: not_party
           mood_relaxed: { 
              all: { 
                 not_relaxed: 0.0126085402444
                 relaxed: 0.987391471863
              probability: 0.987391471863
              value: relaxed
           mood_sad: { 
              all: { 
                 not_sad: 0.647789418697
                 sad: 0.3522105515
              probability: 0.647789418697
              value: not_sad
           moods_mirex: { 
              all: { 
                 Cluster1: 0.0772224962711
                 Cluster2: 0.0444036349654
                 Cluster3: 0.227748185396
                 Cluster4: 0.0306321550161
                 Cluster5: 0.619993507862
              probability: 0.619993507862
              value: Cluster5
           timbre: { 
              all: { 
                 bright: 0.904057860374
                 dark: 0.095942132175
              probability: 0.904057860374
              value: bright
           tonal_atonal: { 
              all: { 
                 atonal: 0.0636984109879
                 tonal: 0.936301589012
              probability: 0.936301589012
              value: tonal
           voice_instrumental: { 
              all: { 
                 instrumental: 1
                 voice: 3.94596092184e-14
              probability: 1
              value: instrumental
        height: 250 px
        mime: image/x-png
        mtime: 2016/03/28 09:09:24.496 (3d 1hr 55m 13s ago)
        src: thumb/01/d4/d8410a6cc78c1093d21934d8b7a8-554f8233-4e7ad1
        type: waveform
        width: 500 px
    topics: [ "classic music", music ]

Query examples:

% mfind topics=jazz
 ... anything related to jazz: text, image, audio etc
% mfind
 ... just music with about 120bpm (beats per minute)
% mfind
 ... music with male voice
% mfind
 ... just disco for The Martian

2.3. Image Feeds

Image items are passed on to various handlers, such as:

  • ocr: converting scanned pages into text again
  • barcode: decode barcodes
  • faces: face detection (what is a face) & recognition (who is it), optionally incl. age & gender
  • objects: detect objects in general
  • caption: image caption, overall and detailed caption
  • densecap: dense or details captions of parts of the image
  • places: recognize places and determine location thereby

2.3.1. OCR

The ocr handler (OCR = Optical Character Recognition) scans black/white images and saves the recognized text as <name>.txt as sub-item and turns the image as node (indicated by + trailer).

In combination of the explode trigger for the pdf-handler you can achieve this:

% mtrigger pdf explode scan.pdf
  (after a while all pages are extracted as JPGs, and ocr handler called as part of the chain)

% cd scan.pdf+/

% ls
000000.jpg     000000.jpg+/     000001.jpg     000001.jpg+/
000002.jpg     000002.jpg+/     000003.jpg     000003.jpg+/
% cd 000000.jpg+/

% ls

% less 000000.jpg.txt
Once upon the time was a ...

Status: beta[1]

Language: english

  1. available since 0.5.4, currently using Tesseract backend for OCR


  • type: node
otherwise no changes are applied to the scanned image.

In order to recognize scanned pages image.theme.white + image.theme.gray > 95% is required, otherwise ocr-handler will not process the image.

2.3.2. Faces

Face Detection
Detects faces in an image, mark position and size, extract faces as sub-items, turning image into a node - this allows to cd into the image itself and discover all the faces as individual files; performed via dlib/OpenFace.

Status: coming soon

  • semantics.entities.individual: array of individuals whose faces are detected and recognized

2.3.3. Objects

Recognize objects in an image of any kind you trained beforehand with a set.

Status: coming soon

2.3.4. ImageTags

Automatic image tagging based image content with Darknet/Image-Net.

Status: coming soon


  • image.tags: array of english terms as recognized in the image

% mls -l test.jpg
      tags: [ "chain mail", breastplate, cuirass, poncho, "fur coat", cardigan ]

2.3.5. Caption

Automatic caption images based on image content with NeuralTalk2.

Status: coming soon


  • image.caption: single english sentence describing overall image (no recognition of actual individuals of who-is-who)

% mls -l test.jpg
      caption: "a sheep standing on a lush green hillside"

2.3.6. DenseCaption

Automatic dense or detailed caption images based on image content with DenseCap.

Status: coming soon

2.4. Video Feeds

Videos will be broken down into scenes, hence, cuts are detected in audio or video - then the numbered scenes are fed to
  • video handlers, e.g. analysis of dynamics (e.g. is camera steady or moving)
  • video broken down into
    • images (frame rate depends on the dynamic of the scene)
    • audio
  • and automatically feed into the image and audio feeds.

2.4.1. Scenes

scenes determines scenes (cut position & duration), and extracts frames and concludes image tags and caption:

Status: beta


  • semantics.scenes is an array of objects
    • frame: frame number starting with 0
    • time: time of scence cut, starting with 0
    • duration: duration of scene, starting with time
    • tags: scene tags (frame of middle of scene)
    • caption scene caption (frame of middle of scene)
  • & video.tags: summarized tags from all scenes sorted by occurances
All scenes are defined by cut position via frame and time, starting with 0:00:00 as first cut and the duration of the scene. The image autocaption is done in the middle of a scene (time + duration / 2).

Coming soon:

  • voice recognition of speech
  • face recognition of faces
% mls -la "Impressive Brazilian Commercial - TV Ad-xeTinkrVXBY.mkv"
   name: "Impressive Brazilian Commercial - TV Ad-xeTinkrVXBY.mkv"
   uid: 92fb43e4faddd82f391a674c66228a03-57303d47-62bd36
   size: 10,781,817 bytes
   mime: video/x-matroska
   otime: 2014/03/10 01:21:28.000 (2y 2mo 1d 7h 12m 14s ago)
   ctime: 2016/05/09 07:33:27.000 (1h 0m 15s ago)
   mtime: 2014/03/10 01:21:28.000 (2y 2mo 1d 7h 12m 14s ago)
   utime: 2016/05/09 07:33:27.545 (1h 0m 15s ago)
   atime: 2014/03/10 01:21:28.000 (2y 2mo 1d 7h 12m 14s ago)
   hash: ff6f2683125076ec978a2bf38883e5e488d324753f342874830e7053f388838c
   parent: 0
   audio: {
      bits: fltp
      channels: 2
      codec: vorbis
      duration: 55s 0ms 0us
      freq: 44,100 Hz
   semantics: {
      video: {
         scenes: [
               caption: "a bird is standing on a rock in the desert"
               duration: 6.043610
               frame: 0
               tags: [
                  "worm fence"
                  "stone wall"
               time: 0
               caption: "a view of a mountain range from a forest"
               duration: 5.835210
               frame: 145
               tags: [
               time: 6.043610
               caption: "a view of a lake with a mountain in the background"
               duration: 2.167364
               frame: 285
               tags: [
               time: 11.878820
               caption: "a group of people riding bikes down a street"
               duration: 35.803181
               frame: 337
               tags: [
                  "steel drum"
                  "folding chair"
                  "military uniform"
               time: 14.046184
               caption: "a picture of a UNK UNK in the sky"
               duration: 5.043289
               frame: 1,196
               tags: [
                  "digital clock"
                  "computer keyboard"
                  "space bar"
                  "web site"
               time: 49.849366
         tags: [
            "computer keyboard"
            "military uniform"
            "folding chair"
            "space bar"
            "steel drum"
            "digital clock"
            "stone wall"
            "web site"
            "worm fence"
   video: {
      width: 1,280 px
      height: 720 px
      codec: h264
      duration: 55s 0ms 0us
      tags: [

3. Next Steps

Integrate dictionary to check if we have a sentence with valid (english|german|french...) words, to conclude better the words if they are persons, locations etc. The main idea is to have all possible metadata and semantic clues (objects like persons, dates, locations, and perhaps later also relations and history of actions in relations of objects) to visualize them and find relations otherwise hidden.

Typical applications:

4. See Also

5. Updates

Significant updates of this document: Authors